Tag Archives: Print

High Country News Seeking Multimedia Freelancers in the West

Potentially fantastic opportunity here for you multimedia folks. This post originally went out to the AIR list (Association of Independents in Radio), so if you are not on AIR, please let Cally know that you heard about this through an AIR member. Good luck! -mia


I’m currently heading up the multimedia department at High Country News. (Ok, I AM the multimedia department.) Our MM work has been kind of checkered in the past, but we’re making a push to ramp it up. High Country News is a magazine based in teeny tiny Paonia, Colorado, covering the environment, natural resources and changing communities in the American West. If any of you are based out West, have experience shooting and producing video, or shooting strong images, collecting sound, and producing audio slideshows, I’d love to hear from you. We’re looking for good multimedia pitches, and I’m also compiling a list of freelancers around the West for future assignments.

If you have interest, email me off list at: callyc@hcn.org



Roy Peter Clark, writing coach extraordinaire, in a rare NYC appearance

For any of you NYC folks who might be interested. (Let me know if these posts are still interesting/relevant/etc.) -mia __________________________

Short notice, folks, but if you have ANY interest in ANY kind of writing (and are in NYC), try and stop by this free, public event. He’s amazing (he’s been on “Oprah,” among a million other places). No RSVP required.

“Writing Tools” with the Poynter Institute’s ROY PETER CLARK

7-9 p.m. Lecture Hall, Third Floor, Columbia Journalism School, 116th & Broadway

ROY PETER CLARK has taught writing at every level — to school children and Pulitzer Prize-winning authors — for more than 30 years, and has spoken about the writer’s craft on “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” National Public Radio and “Today”; at conferences from Singapore to Brazil; and at news organizations from The New York Times to the Sowetan in South Africa. He is the author of “Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer,” the book and the blog. In addition to teaching us tricks of the trade, he has also promised to give a small musical performance. THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. FOR MORE INFORMATION: csk2112@columbia.edu.


Oaklandlocal.com call for bloggers, writers, and multimedia producers

Hey folks. Oaklandlocal.com, a new project run by some of FC’s members, went live yesterday and they’re looking for content. See the details below (and attached writer guidelines). Seems like a great opportunity! Best, Mia

*Journalists, bloggers and multimedia producers wanted* *


Oaklandlocal.com, Oakland’s new hyperlocal news site and community portal is looking for story pitches. We’re a progressive grassroots media outlet that offers a platform for community dialogue while framing and contextualizing important but often overlooked stories in Oakland.

Our site is broken down into 5 main topic areas: Environment, Development, Food Justice, Identity and Arts & Education. Stories should fit one of these categories and pitches should clearly detail which topic your piece will fall under.

We currently have content partnerships with several local organization including the Center for Investigative Reporting ,New American Media http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/ /Youth Outlook , Youth Radio http://www.youthradio.org/and Youth Uprising. We’re looking for freelancers to round out our content.


If you are a blogger who lives or works in Oakland and/or writes about Oakland topics and would like to blog for us, or have us cross-post your current blog, we’d love to talk to you.

We’re a new site but we’ve already received loads of attention and a blogging arrangement could definitely help promote you and your writing. We also have ad trades available.

*PLEASE NOTE:* We do not offer payment for blog posts

*Journalists, reporters, and multimedia producers:*

Oakland Local runs beat reporting, investigative reports, features and story packages on issues important to Oakland and items that catch our interest. We run original writing, photography, web video and multimedia.

Pitches should provide an overview of your story, your story angle, a couple of ideas for interviews, a time line for completion and a couple of samples of previous work.


Yes we do pay! In most cases Oakland Local pays for original stories; our fees, while small, are sadly, competitive with the rest of the industry. We are a brand new news and community nonprofit, right now our rates reflect that, but we do go for great ideas.

But don’t let funds stand in the way of pitching us (unless you’re looking for big, big bucks). We are partnering with other orgs to raise money for larger, more involved stories. So if you’ve got a great idea let’s talk about it.

Food and Development pitches go to Susan Mernit susan at oaklandlocal.com

Environment can be directed to Amy Gahran amy at oaklandlocal.com

Identity and Arts pieces can go toKwan Booth kwan at oaklandlocal.com

Guidelines are attached, you can read more on our site at http://oaklandlocal.com/content/submission-guidelines and you can also Dowload the full editorial guidelines

Please take a look around the site to familiarize yourself with our content before pitching. It’s also a good idea to check out the work on some of our content partner sites to get a feel for the kinds of stories we’re looking for.

Thanks, and we’re looking forward to hearing from you!

The Oakland Local Team

pdf iconwritersguidelines.pdf

a question for print freelancers

Hey folks. This is from a colleague of mine in Philly. If any of you print folks have a minute to drop her a line, I would really appreciate it! Thx, Mia


Hello print freelancers!

I have a favor to ask–I am a student in a master’s program at the J School at Temple University and am currently taking my Comm Law requirement. For one of my assignments I am reviewing and analyzing a freelance copyright case from 2001 (New York Times v. Tasini). I am looking to talk to someone who has an opinion about the impact of the Court’s decision–whether good or bad–and has been affected by the decision.

In short, believe it or not, Wikipedia sums the decision up pretty well: ” New York Times Co. v. Tasini , is a leading decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of copyright in the contents of a newspaper database. It held that The New York Times , in licensing back issues of the newspaper for inclusion in electronic databases such as LexisNexis, could not license the works of free-lance journalists contained in the newspapers.”

I’d be happy to talk to someone by e-mail or phone. My assignment is due next week, so if you’re interested, please contact me by next Tuesday, October 27, at the latest.

Thank you!

Tori Indivero

Chicago Manual Online – group rates

Another resource to offer members – group discounts for the Chicago Manual of Style online. I’m sure there are similar sites/discounts for AP and other style guides.

Small user-group prices:

2–5 users $25.00 per user if the group subscribes by September 30, 2007
6–10 users 10% discount – $22.50 per user if the group subscribes by September 30, 2007
11–15 users 15% discount – $21.25 per user if the group subscribes by September 30, 2007
16–20 users 20% discount – $20.00 per user if the group subscribes by September 30, 2007