Category Archives: Grants

2019 CA Documentary Project Grants & Application Webinar, app deadline Nov 1

Look below!

Dear Friends of California Humanities—


With apologies for the group email, I’m writing to ask for your help in sharing the announcement of the upcoming 2019 California Documentary Project (CDP) grant deadline for film, audio and interactive media productions. I’ve attached information and language that may be helpful for sharing.


This year’s deadline is November 1 and funding is available in two categories:


  • Research and Development Grants up to $10,000
  • Production Grants up to $50,000


For grant guidelines and application instructions, visit the California Documentary Project grants page at


Please note that we will also host a free informational webinar on how to apply to CDP in Monday, September 16 1-2:30 pm PST. Anyone interested can register here to attend:


Thank you in advance for your help. As always, please feel free to direct any likely applicants to me with questions.






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California Humanities

538 9th St, Suite 210

Oakland, CA 94607


tel. 415.391.1474 x314

fax 510.808.7533



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2017 CA Documentary Project Funding Opportunity, deadline Nov 1

Hey folks. First – sorry about that extra post yesterday. I had a mailchimp hiccup. Second, see below for the latest call for submissions from California Humanities. They fund a lot of great indie projects. Go for it!
Happy weekend,



Grants for film, audio and interactive documentaries

Deadline: November 1, 2017


California Humanities is pleased to announce the 2017 deadline for the California Documentary Project (CDP), a competitive grant program that supports the research and development and production stages of film, audio, and digital media projects that seek to document California in all its complexity. Projects should use the humanities to provide context, depth, and perspective, be suitable for California and national audiences, and seek to reach, inform and engage broad audiences through multiple means, including but not limited to radio and television broadcasts, podcasts, online distribution and interactive media, community screenings and discussions, in classrooms and libraries, at cultural centers, film festivals, and more. California residency is not a requirement for eligibility.


Funding is available in two categories:


·        Research & Development Grants up to $10,000

·        Production Grants up to $50,000


For more information on grant guidelines, application instructions, and a list of previously supported projects, please visit the California Documentary Project grants page.


doc icon 2017-California-Documentary-Project-Announcement.docx

New FIRE grants and consulting for investigative reporters and editors, deadline March 23

My old colleague is offering another round of stipends and consulting for investigative reporters and editors. Application deadline March 23. -Mia

Apply to FIRE

Apply to FIRE

Launching Another Round
Deadline: March 23, 2017 
Project Word is pleased to announce another round of applications for its signature program, Freelance Investigative Reporters and Editors (FIRE). 
FIRE, a collaboration between Project Word and Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), provides two basic services to unaffiliated reporters: 1) an Editorial Consultancy (formerly “Help Desk”) for an hour of reporting strategy and advice; and 2) the Virtual Newsroom, for access to a suite of newsroom reporting services. 
FIRE again invites applications for both programs. This round, we will be increasing the capacity of the Virtual Newsroom by about 40%, to ten reporters. All ten will be eligible for the Newsroom’s full complement of reporting services—from research assistance to pro bono legal help; five of them will receive stipends of $2,500 to $5,000. The capacity of Editorial Consultancies will expand as well, to 25 reporters.

This new round of applications builds on the success of our 2016 pilot project. In January, we canvassed the 30 participants in the pilot project. Approximately 60% of them were able to complete an online questionnaire and follow-up interview with a Project Word researcher. As expected, both beginning and experienced journalists reported benefiting from FIRE. The upshot was highly positive, as indicated by some heartening testimonials

The feedback has already informed FIRE’s operations and applications process, which we are always seeking to make more efficient and freelancer-friendly. We are grateful for the feedback. 

To apply to FIRE, reporters are encouraged to visit the program's Guidelines page.  Application deadline is March 23, 2017. (Those who previously applied to FIRE are invited to reapply.)

Please circulate this notice widely.

I look forward to hearing from you.

In solidarity,

Laird Townsend,
for FIRE

California Humanities has a new funding opportunity, informational webinar Dec 16

$$ available for new CA-based projects. Informational webinar on Dec 16. Details below.



Attention, grantseekers! California Humanities, the nonprofit state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity: Humanities for All Project Grants. Awards between $10,000 and $20,000 will be made twice a year for larger public humanities projects of up to two years duration sponsored by California-based nonprofit organizations and public agencies. Appropriate programming formats include but are not limited to interpretive exhibits, community dialogue and discussion series, workshops and participatory activities, presentations and lectures, conversations and forums, and interactive and experiential activities. All awards must be matched with an equivalent amount of cash or in-kind resources over the life of the project.

Guidelines, application instructions, and FAQs for the initial application deadline of February 1, 2017 are now available. The online application window will open on December 15 and an informational webinar will be held December 16. To learn more or to register for the webinar, visit

Developed in response to feedback received from humanities programmers and partners, and reflecting new organizational goals of increasing responsiveness and accessibility, Humanities for All grants will support public humanities projects that address the needs and interests of Californians, encourage greater public participation in humanities programming, particularly by new and/or underserved audiences, and promote understanding and empathy among all our state's peoples in order to cultivate a thriving democracy. Grants will support many of the same types of projects previously funded through our long-running Community Stories program, which had its last deadline in February 2016, as well as other types of projects, including experimental and innovative programming.

In addition to the Project Grants, Quick Grants (between $1,000 and $5,000) will be awarded three times a year for smaller-scale public humanities activities and projects that will take place within a one-year period. Projects should be grounded in the humanities, show potential to provide high quality humanities learning experiences for participants and audiences, and demonstrate capacity for successful implementation. Appropriate formats include but are not limited to community dialogues, reading- or film-and-discussion groups, oral history or nonfiction writing or story-sharing workshops, and other types of activities. Any California-based nonprofit organization or non-federal public agency is eligible to apply. Note: A cash or in-kind match of the award is NOT required.

Our first Quick Grant deadline was October 25. Awards will be announced shortly. Guidelines for the March 2017 Quick Grant deadline will be available in January.

Please visit our website for more information about California Humanities and please help us by sharing this information with your colleagues and networks.

Happy holidays to all!

Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation Grant Supports Investigative Reporting, deadlines Sept 26 and Oct 1

FYI freelancing friends – upcoming application deadlines Sept 26 and Oct 1

Grant applications are currently being accepted through the FIJ website,


(Washington) – The Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) is pleased to announce that for the fourth year in a row, the Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation has donated $25,000 in support of FIJ’s grant-making program for independent investigative reporters.

The funds will support the work of freelance reporters whose investigations are published in US media outlets.

The Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation’s journalism program supports press freedom around the world and seeks to improve the quality of journalism through grants to American journalism schools, investigative reporting projects, and online investigative news centers.

FIJ board member David Ottaway also serves on the board of the Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation.

Among the recently published FIJ projects underwritten by the Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation:

Reporter Adriana Cardona-Maguigad traveled to Puerto Rico to investigate why an influx of drug addicts from Puerto Rico now lived on the streets of Chicago. She found that addicts were given one way tickets to Chicago and other big cities with promises of drug treatment. But those promises were broken. Cardona-Maguigad was interviewed about her investigation for the public radio program This American Life.

Vivekananda Nemana and Ankita Rao reported on the deliberate underreporting of malaria cases in India, which interferes with efforts to fight the disease.

Francesca Lyman investigated Savers, the thrift store chain, and found their claims about helping charities were vastly overblown.

Freelancer Jeanne Baron reported for NPR on World Bank projects that aim to fight poverty around the world, and found that while uprooting local people, project leaders don’t always follow World Bank rules for resettlements.

Sandra Bartlett reported for the national public radio program, Reveal, on “disposable” workers in South Korea and Vietnam – exposed to toxic chemicals, then to reproductive disorders and cancer. Many of the victims are young women.

For more than forty years, FIJ has covered expenses for reporters who have the ideas, sources, and know-how to produce groundbreaking investigative journalism but need resources to complete their projects.

Grant applications are currently being accepted through the FIJ website,, with an upcoming deadline of September 26.

FIJ is also collaborating with the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism on a diversity initiative funded by the Ford Foundation. Applications for grants and fellowships for diverse journalists are being accepted at, through October 1.

Sandy Bergo
Executive Director
Fund for Investigative Journalism
529 14th Street NW – 13th floor
Washington DC 20045
Selected for the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington

grant money aimed at increasing diversity in investigative journalism

Spread the word about this important fellowship aimed at journalists of color!

Grants & fellowships for journalists of color & women journalists
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FIJ and Schuster Institute Launch Initiative for Diversity in Social Justice Investigative ReportingWithout greater diversity in journalism, some very important stories are never pitched, some assignments never made, facts never gathered, and serious abuses of power never uncovered.Through a collaboration underwritten by a Ford Foundation grant, The Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) and the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University have joined forces to broaden opportunities for independent investigative reporting by women and journalists of color. Four independent, U.S.-based reporters with strong proposals to investigate significant systemic or social justice issues will be selected.

The selected journalists will receive competitively awarded grants from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, which will provide up to $9,000 to pay the expenses of reporting a specific investigative story, covering costs such as travel, document fees, equipment rentals, and small stipends.

Recipients will also be awarded Schuster Institute fellowships, which will give them access to paid research assistance, the extensive offerings of Brandeis University’s library and technology services, mentoring, editorial guidance, and opportunities for pro bono, media-related legal advice from a major New York firm. The Schuster Institute will help publicize the fellows’ work through press releases, social media and the Institute’s websites. As a fellow, they will join our “Newsroom Without Walls,” a community of Schuster Institute fellows and research scholars who regularly share ideas, advice and support. The fellowships do not require residency at Brandeis University and the fellows are not paid.

The work must be completed within one year.

It is widely recognized that journalists of diverse backgrounds are underrepresented in this country’s ranks of independent investigative reporters. This initiative is designed to help those selected journalists report and write important stories about unreported or underreported social justice issues.

“Journalism in the U.S. has made some progress on diversity in newsrooms. But that progress has lagged well behind this nation’s demographic change,” said FIJ president Ricardo Sandoval Palos. “This imbalance is acute in the specialized field of investigative journalism. For decades, FIJ’s strength has been identifying and supporting stories that might not otherwise get done. So this generous grant from Ford is a great start: It allows us to work with journalists from underrepresented communities who’ve lacked access to investigative resources.”

“The Schuster Institute has collaborated with FIJ for years on our fellowship program. We know the value of providing an institutional home and valuable resources to independent investigative journalists, and Ford’s support of this initiative allows us to grow our community of fellows and support an even broader range of underrepresented voices and their important investigative stories,” said Florence Graves, founding director of the Schuster Institute.

Eligibility requirements

Applications from women and journalists of color working in any type of media — print, audio, video, online — will be considered.

Application deadline

Applications may be submitted from June 1 through Oct. 1, 2016, and we will announce grantees and fellows in early November 2016.

How to apply

Application instructions are available at
If after reading about the entry process you still have questions, please email

In the meantime, please check the FIJ and Schuster Institute Facebook pages,
and #FIJSchuster on Twitter for updates.

The Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ). Since 1969, FIJ has supported the work of independent journalists who have tips, sources, and ideas, but lack the resources needed to do their investigations. The late Philip M. Stern founded FIJ to invest in the work of determined journalists in the fight against racism, poverty, corporate greed, and governmental corruption. FIJ-supported projects have won a wide array of journalistic honors, including Pulitzer Prizes, the George Polk Award, the Sigma Delta Chi Award, and many others.  Please see for more information.

The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University is a collaborative, investigative newsroom focusing on social justice and human rights issues as well as government accountability and transparency. We dive into systemic problems afflicting those who are poor, voiceless, or forgotten—with an eye toward informing policymakers and public debate. Launched in 2004 by Florence Graves to help fill the void in high-quality public interest and investigative journalism, the Institute was the nation’s first independent, investigative reporting center based at a university. Our staff and Schuster Institute Fellows cover such subjects as human trafficking and modern-day slavery; criminal justice; race and justice; food and health; government and corporate wrongdoing; environmental justice; gender and justice; political and social justice; and border issues and immigration. Please see and for more information.

Portuguese grant to fund Armenian music stories, deadline March 6

Here's a new one for you. The Music Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in collaboration with the Armenian Communities Department is funding a series of audio documentaries on the theme “Music and voyage: Armenian stories." Interesting! Application deadline March 6. More info HERE and below.


Music and voyage: Armenian stories

Call for proposals for audio documentary (podcast) – 16th of February to 6th of March 2016

The sound collective Terra do Som and the Portuguese public national radio R T P/Antena 2, in collaboration with Gulbenkian Música and the Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, are issuing an international call for proposals for an audio documentary on the theme Music and voyage: Armenian stories.

The proposals will be assessed by Razmik Panossian (Director of the Armenian Communities Department, FCG), João Almeida (Antena 2) and the sound collective Terra do Som.

The deadline for applications is the 6th of March 2016. Applications should be sent to

For more details please consult the regulations and guidelines Here.

This audio documentary will be the last of a series of four podcasts on themes related do FCG’s cultural activity. Premiere and transmission dates will soon be announced.

Digital Storytelling Grant Opportunity – The Places We Call Home – with Cowbird, deadline Feb 12

Fun opportunity for important community-based storytelling. Details below. Deadline Feb 12.



Hey everyone, 

Looking for funding to do ambitious digital/audio storytelling? 
Here's a new public media grant opportunity that might be a perfect fit for producers out there who want to experiment with new approaches, work closely with a community, and get some mentorship in the process:

The public media non-profit Pacific Islanders in Communication is partnering with Cowbird to fund storytelling projects that creatively explore how the concept of home is evolving for Pacific Islanders around the world — including immigrant communities in America and elsewhere — as well as on the Pacific Islands themselves. 
The stories will combine audio, pictures and text on the Cowbird platform. 
Here's all the info, and feel free to write me with questions too and I can help get answers. 
Don't miss out — deadline Feb 12. 


the Fund for Investigative Journalism is accepting grant applications until Feb 1

More grants! This time from the Fund for Investigative Journalism. Details here and below. Deadline Feb 1.


The Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) is accepting applications for its Monday deadline: February 1, 2016 (5pm Eastern time).

Read the application instructions with care; some have changed. Instructions are available here:

The FIJ Board of Directors looks for stories that break new ground and expose wrongdoing – such as corruption, malfeasance, or abuse of power – in the public and private sectors.

FIJ encourages proposals written for ethnic media and submitted by journalists of color. Grants average $5,000 and cover out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, document collection, and equipment rental. FIJ also considers requests for small stipends.


Apply for a Grant


Please read with care; some instructions have changed.

The Fund for Investigative Journalism’s Board of Directors meets three to four times each year to consider grant applications for investigative projects and books.

The deadlines for 2016 are Monday February 1, Monday May 16, and Monday September 26 – all at 5pm Eastern Time.

Be advised: save a back-up copy of all your application materials and send a message to requesting an email confirmation even if a confirmation message appears on screen.

The Board of Directors looks for:  stories that break new ground and expose wrongdoing – such as corruption, malfeasance, or misuse of power – in the public and private sectors.

The Fund encourages proposals written for ethnic media and submitted by journalists of color. Grants average $5,000 and cover out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, document collection, and equipment rental. The Fund also considers requests for small stipends.

It is Fund policy to pay the first half of approved grants to successful applicants, with the second half of the grant paid on evidence of publication of a finished project in accordance with the original proposal. Second half grants are not guaranteed if projects are not completed in a timely fashion.

The Fund accepts applications for projects on domestic and international issues. All application documents must be written in English and budgets expressed in U.S. dollars.

International reporting: The Fund gives a very strong preference to US based reporters or to stories with a strong US angle, either involving US citizens, government, or businesses. All stories must be published in English – either by an English language publication or outlet, or by an outlet that has an affiliation with an English language site.

Disclaimer of Liability: The Fund for Investigative Journalism’s role in assisting journalists is limited to making grants. The Fund assumes no liability for the legal and/or safety risks undertaken by journalists in the course of their reporting.

Mentors: In partnership with Investigative Reporters and Editors and the Society of Environmental Journalists, mentors are recruited for successful grantees, upon request. Mentors act as sounding boards, and work with grantees over the length of their projects. Mentoring grantees is an important part of the Fund’s program to support independent journalists.

Application Process: The Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) accepts online applications, using the form to the right. Before uploading name each attachment: Proposal, Budget, Resume, Writing Sample-1, Writing Sample-2, Letter-of-Commitment.

Attachment size limit: Maximum combined size for the six attachments is 10 MB. If you try to upload larger files, your application may disappear. If you need to send large attachments, email to make other arrangements.

Proposal: For the first page of the proposal, provide answers to the questions below.  Applications without complete answers will not be reviewed.





In 125 words or less, summarize your idea for the story, project, or book, explaining the point of the investigation and/or what you are trying to prove:

News outlet or book publisher:

If writing for a news outlet, are you a freelancer or are you on staff?

Name of person signing letter of commitment or book contract:

Contact information for person signing letter of commitment or book contract:

Size of audience or readership (circulation or web traffic):

(Book authors can leave the audience/readership question blank.)

Grant Amount Requested:

Anticipated completion date (within one year).

If more time is needed, please explain:

Has the applicant received a grant from the Fund previously? If so, was it successfully completed?

Is the applicant an advocate for this topic?

How did you hear of the Fund?

List three references with contact information.

Has the applicant or his/her reporting partners for this project been found guilty or liable in any court proceedings, lost any professional license, or been expelled from any professional organization? If so, explain:

Will the news outlet acknowledge the Fund for Investigative Journalism?

Proposal narrative: Follow the above question and answer section with a proposal narrative of no more than three pages. The body of the proposal should explain why you consider the story to be investigative in nature, what is new, how you plan to go about conducting the investigation, and the potential for impact.

If the subject matter has been covered previously, be sure to explain how the proposed investigation would significantly advance the story.

Resume (CV): Three pages maximum.

Budget: Provide an itemized budget of expenses, other revenue sources, and the amount being requested. Refer to this sample budget when formatting the request.

Writing Samples: One or two examples of previously published (or aired) work. For book authors, a sample chapter may be submitted. Writing samples may be in any medium (print, audio, video.)

Letter of commitment: The applicant needs to provide a letter signed by a news executive committing to publish the story, as long as it is completed as proposed and meets the news outlet’s journalistic standards. The letter must make specific reference to the story proposed. A general reference letter or expression of interest in publishing the reporter’s work does not suffice. For book authors, a signed book contract serves as the letter of commitment. A letter of commitment is a non-negotiable requirement.

The Online Form: If you do not fill in a required field, you will be taken to an error page and may need to start over. Press the back button on your browser to go back to the form with your field values remembered; note however some browsers do not support this function. Pressing the “go back to form” link will take you to an empty form.

Questions: Executive Director Sandy Bergo welcomes questions about the application process and requirements by email,, or phone, 202-662-7564.

Review: The Board of Directors reviews and votes on all eligible proposals. Approximately six weeks after the application deadline has passed, applicants will be notified by email of the board’s decision.

CONFIRMATION: Once you have submitted the application, send an email requesting confirmation. Do not rely on the popup message. If you have trouble using the online form, email

Between grant cycles: Potential alternative funding sources are The George Polk Grants for Investigative Reporting,, The Investigative Fund,, the Pulitzer Center, The Society of Environmental Journalists, Contact each organization directly.

Sandy Bergo
Executive Director
Fund for Investigative Journalism
529 14th Street NW – 13th floor
Washington DC 20045
Selected for the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington

Grants, fellowships and awards for January and February 2016 from AIR

Just one of the phenomenal resources from AIR. Sign up for more!

• Artist Trust Fellowships
Deadline: Jan. 11, 2016
Details: Artist Trust Fellowships are designed to recognize artistic achievement, dedication to an artistic discipline and potential for further professional development. Approximately 16 fellowships of $7,500

• The MacDowell Colony's Art of Journalism Initiative
Deadline: Jan. 15, 2016 for summer 2016
Details: Fellowships for writers engaged in deep reporting and complex, long-form journalism during a residency at MacDowell, as well as grants of up to $2,500 based on financial need to fund travel, research, and other project-based work before or after the residency.

• Kresge Artist Fellowship
Deadline: Jan. 21, 2016
Details: $25,000 award and professional practice opportunities for emerging and established metropolitan Detroit artists in the dance/music, film/theatre, literary arts and visual arts.

• New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Fellowship
Deadline: Jan. 28, 2016
Details: $7,000 cash awards made to individual originating artists living and working in the state of New York for unrestricted use

• Nieman-Berkman Fellowship in Journalism Innovation
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2016
Details: The Nieman-Berkman Fellowship in Journalism Innovation brings individuals to Harvard University to work on a specific course of research or a specific project relating to journalism innovation and pays a $65,000 stipend over nine months.

• Thomson Reuters Foundation Fellowships
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2016
Details: Reuters Institute Journalist Fellows with a minimum of five years' experience in the field spend one, two or three terms at the University of Oxford. Awards may include travel expenses (including air travel economy class) and a modest living allowance.

• Joan Shorenstein Fellowship
Deadline: Feb. 1, 2016
Details: The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard hosts eight one-semester residential fellowships each year for journalists with a minimum of five years of experience. Stipend is $30,000 for one semester.

• Knight Wallace Fellowship
Deadline: Feb. 1, 2016
Details: Fellows devise a personalized study plan and participate in twice-weekly seminars. Extensive travel is a core component of the Knight-Wallace experience, with news tours to Argentina, Brazil and Turkey and a family trip to Northern Michigan. Stipends of $70,000 for U.S. fellows (varied for international fellows).

• Kip Tiernan Social Justice Fellowship
Deadline: Feb. 8, 2016
Details: A one-year, $40,000 fellowship for a woman to develop and carry out a special project that will further the mission of Rosie’s Place anywhere in New England

• Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship
Deadline: Feb. 9, 2016
Details: Journalists with fewer than 10 years' experience propose a one-year writing project on a topic of their choosing, focusing on journalism supportive of American culture and a free society. Stipends range from $25,000 to $50,000.

• Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award
Deadline: Feb. 16, 2016
Details: A grant of $12,500 will be awarded to support the work of a promising early-career nonfiction writer on a story that uncovers truths about the human condition.

• The Reporting Award
Deadline: Feb. 22, 2016
Details: The Reporting Award supports a work of journalism in any medium on significant underreported subjects in the public interest. The maximum award is $12,500. Winners will have access to New York University’s libraries and the Institute’s facilities

• Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT
Deadline: Feb. 29, 2016
Details: A $70,000 stipend for science journalists with at least three years of experience, to enable them to explore science, technology, and the craft of journalism in depth, concentrate on a specialty in science, and to learn at some of the top research universities in the world.