Once or twice a year, I like to reintroduce myself and my role to the
independent producer community, saying a special 'hello' to newer AIR
members and reminding veterans that I am here to help if I can.
As NPR's Liaison to Independent Producers, I am available 8 hours a week
to help you in any way I can with your efforts to be successful as a
freelance reporter/independent producer in public radio.
Primarily, I am here to help you connect with the proper editors at NPR
for a story you might be ready to pitch. While not being an editorial
gatekeeper for NPR, I am happy and eager to help you shape up the pitches
in a way that gives them the best chance to get fair attention from the
NPR regional and specialty desks.
Since NPR can't take every story that's offered, I am also happy to
brainstorm with you about other possible outlets for your story idea in
the public radio universe, be they NPR programs or not.
Having done a little of a lot of things in public radio (reporting,
managing, training, producing specials, producing series, finding funding
and marketing projects), when time allows, I am also happy to offer
whatever tips I can to help you with your project ideas that might not
necessarily be story-reporting based. I can talk with you more generally
about just trying to make a go of it in any way in public radio. NPR
feels it does everyone good to help develop and encourage the talent pool.
Over the years of doing this, I have kept an archive of conversations and
tips that continue to be useful (even when some of the individuals have
moved on from particular posts and some shows have sadly folded). You can
find that at http://www.paulingles.com/producers.shtml and see more about
what I have been up to in radio at www.paulingles.com.
The best way to contact me is by email. It's best to put the word PITCH
or LIAISON QUESTION in the subject line so I can pick your email more
easily out of the Airlist which I monitor daily. I'm usually good at
responding within about 36 hours or less – faster if you're working on
something very timely. We can set up phone chats as schedules allow.
I've corresponded with I'm guessing between 300-400 different producers
over the 8 years I've been in this post. It's a pleasure to try to help
the independent community. Feel free to contact me.
Note that once I put out one of my "reminders," I sometimes here from a
good number of producers so response time with my limited hours on the
clock might be longer if you are responding to this email… but we will
All the best,
Paul Ingles
Independent Producer / Reporter / Consultant
NPR Liaison to Independent Producers