new online tax help resource for self employed

Joy joy – it’s tax season. I’ve been doing my own taxes with Turbo Tax for the past few years and it’s daunting, but totally doable. A good friend introduced me to this book that has proven an invaluable resource for tax planning (what you can write off, etc.) and I just learned about a new not-for-profit site –
This from the folks at TaxHelp:

Having a basic understanding of tax codes, regulations, and benefits is essential to being self-employed. Whether you are a sole proprietor of a business or a freelance contractor, the IRS considers you self-employed and will hold you to a different tax filing standard. With the goal of creating a more user-friendly site than the IRS’, our guide introduces readers to the basics of self-employed taxes, accurate bookkeeping practices, and deductible expenses in succinct and accessible language.

You can learn more about the site on the about page:
Or jump right to the self-employed tax guide:
The site also includes a searchable database of 200K CPAs if you don’t want to go it alone. I started poking around the site and found it incredibly useful (though a bit depressing – found out that NY has the highest tax burden in the country, though CA isn’t far behind. Bummer.)
Anyway, check it out for what it’s worth.

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