Science internship at KQED this summer

For students looking for college credit – work with the fabulous Molly Samuel (former FC leader-type-person) and the rest of the KQED crew this summer. Details below. -Mia

KQED is looking for interns for the summer. For the science internship, the person would be working with me and a colleague in TV, learning TV production, producing radio stories, writing online articles, helping with research and logging and whatever else comes up.

These are unpaid, part-time internships. If you know any students (they needn't be journalism students, but they do have to be able to get course credit) looking for internships, please pass this on.

And I'm happy to answer any questions or talk with people interested in the internship — I know the unpaid part is hard, but I can vouch for these being good internships. (At least, I hope they are. I started at KQED as an intern and felt like I learned a lot, and eventually ended up with a job here.)

Here's the link for the science internship:

And here are the rest of KQED's internships:

There's not a deadline for applications posted, so I'm going with ASAP.


POV hackathon seeks filmmakers, NYC April 13-14

The POV Hackathon in NYC needs participants. It looks very cool for your filmmaker-types. -Mia

Interested in cross-platform and web-based storytelling?

This April to New York City (April 13-14, 2013), teams of filmmakers and technologists will be challenged to create web documentary prototypes – be they mobile sites, web apps, widgets, games or something we've never seen before – over two days of intense collaboration.

POV's documentary lab "POV Hackathon" ( is seeking filmmakers, designers and developers to participate.

Check out previous prototypes (, read our submission tips (, then apply (!

More questions? Email or visit

PRX Announces New funds for STEM stories

This is very, very exciting – $40K to fund a bunch of science-type stories. YES! Deadline is April 22. Details below. -mia


PRX is excited to announce a new competition for audio production funding.

We call this the STEM Story Project, focusing on science, technology, engineering and math.
The Sloan Foundation is making this possible. We have a pool of $40,000 to distribute among multiple projects.
PRX has a lot of experience in conducting these sorts of open calls. Our goals with the STEM Story Project are to:
* unleash highly creative, scientifically-accurate original productions 
* educate and excite listeners 
* tell stories and explain STEM issues in new ways
We want these productions to be heard and shared widely. So, proposals need to appeal both to stations and directly to listeners. You'll find a lot more details about the PRX STEM Story Project here: application and guidelines [].
The deadline for applications is April 22, 2013 at 11:59PM ET.
Thank you!
John Barth
Genevieve Sponsler
Lily Bui
The PRX STEM Story Project Team
P.S. If you applied to our Global Story Project, please read the guidelines for STEM carefully — we've changed some things.
Join us on Friday, March 29, 2013 at 2PM ET for #PRXSTEMchat on Twitter! We'll be discussing science topics and answering your questions about the STEM Story Project. Whether you're a scientist, science enthusiast, or producer, we invite you to weigh in!
Lily Bui (@dangerbui []) will be hosting the tweetchat. Keep an eye out for more information on [] and @prx [].
PRX will also hold one STEM project webinar on Friday, April 5 at 2PM ET to answer questions. Register here [].
If you can't make or wait for the webinar, email your questions to But read the application and guidelines first []!

KALW RFP, Sights and Sounds of Bayview, deadline April 5

Great opportunity to work with the amazing folks at KALW. I would SO be pitching if I still lived in the area… Deadline April 5. Details below. -Mia

Sights and Sounds of Bayview
A Partnership between the San Francisco Arts Commission and KALW

In 2009, the San Francisco Arts Commission launched the Deep Roots podcast, which promotes art in communities where people live and work. Segments have included the creation of the bust of Harvey Milk in City Hall, Mission-based Poet Laureate Alejandro Murgia, and the 2013 Mayor’s Art Awardee Rhodessa Jones who is known for her work with incarcerated women. With funding from the National Endowment for the Arts to focus on Central Market, SFAC developed Sights and Sounds of Central Market , a series of commissioned audio portraits highlighting positive activity in the neighborhood.

SFAC is partnering KALW, one of San Francisco’s prized public radio stations – specifically its community storytelling project, HEAR HERE – because of its efforts to reach underserved listeners, bring new voices to the air, create a new dimension for the radio medium, and bring communities together through live events.

The funding for this project is from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). Under the City’s Art Enrichment Ordinance, the SFPUC works in partnership with the SFAC to support arts-based activation in District 10 and recognizes the arts as a vital part of its commitment to: healthy living; neighborhood stewardship, design, implementation, and evaluation; workforce and economic development resulting from collaborative partnership with local companies and residents; and developing community bonds.

We are seeking proposals for creative audio portraits of people from Bayview. These could be about individuals that speak to the rich history of African Americans in the neighborhood, the changing demographics (the area is now 33 percent African American, 33 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, 25 percent Latino ), or a celebration of positive activity in the community.

We will commission six portraits; half of them should address environmental justice, healthy living, water flow, or energy conservation. How do you do that? Maybe you find a leader from Literacy for Environmental Justice, or a shop owner addressing food access and security by stocking fruits and vegetables at the local bodega, or an artist making work with found materials.

These stories should be evergreen and will be broadcast on KALW 91.7 FM, distributed through SFAC’s Deep Roots podcast, and played at a live event.

A photographer will be assigned to your story so that we can turn the segments into multimedia pieces. Audrey Dilling, Hear Here lead producer, will edit the segments, with oversight from Martina Castro, Crosscurrents’ managing editor. Stephanie Foo, producer for NPR’s Snap Judgment, will design the sound of the project.

Segments may be 4-7 minutes long. Raw audio files and final engineering scripts should be delivered to the sound designer.

The producer should be available to share the story at a celebratory live event, which features a multimedia presentation of the segments, accompanied by a band or DJ, and spotlighting the people featured in the sound portraits on August 15, 2013 (tentative) at the Bayview Opera House.

The producer will receive $500/segment and an additional $100 for participating in the listening party.

How to apply:
Please submit a pitch that includes the following:
● What is the story and why is it relevant
● Why is this important to Bayview; why is it important citywide
● Who will you interview
● What sounds will be incorporated

The deadline for pitch submissions is April 5, 2013. Please email them to

San Francisco listening event, April 1, 6-8pm

In the spirit of the old Freelance Cafe gatherings, David King Dunaway is hosting a listening event in San Francisco on Monday, April 1, 6-8pm. Details below. -Mia

Dear friends:

Now that the votes are in for a date for our Sonic Soiree, a more or less annual get-together of bay are radio indies and editors, particularly those belonging to Audio Independents in Radio (AIR), we have a date: April 1 (6-8:00pm)–and that's no joke!
What we've done in the past is that anyone who wants to play a piece 6:00 and under, or a similar excerpt of a longer piece, brings it on CD/DVD or flash (thumb) drive(or in multiple formats, CD preferred). Let me know when you get here, so we can set up a playlist  I'll have a mac for audio-slides. We'll take turns giving you comments, that hard-to-find feedback for solo producers.  
There's no admission, and anyone interested in the zesty local indie community in audio is welcome to attend. People sometimes bring snacks, and we could gather at 5:45, and start listening a bit later. Afterwards, if anyone wants, we could go out for beers or food.
I hope we can do two of these; and for the second, I could invite folks to the SFSU audio room for fine surround sound, if desired. I hope this works for those interested; and that I'll see you in two weeks or so. 
The address is 121 Kensington Way, which is just off Portola as you drive south towards Vicente and Claremont and 280 in the West Portal district. There's usually plenty of street parking. My little apartment is just down a flight of stairs from the main entrance to the house.
If you are traveling by MUNI, it's very convenient: most outward bound munis stop at West Portal Station (not the j-Church), just a few minutes beyond Van Ness. The stop is at the corner of West Portal and Ulloa. Cross the muni tracks and continue up the hill on Ulloa, about five blocks, to Kensington: and it's the third house on your left.
David Dunaway
505 77 4968

TAL Theme List

The lastest call for pitches from This American Life. -mia

Dear This American Life friends and contributors,

It’s been a while! We’ve been sending out these Theme Lists with less frequency lately in the hopes that we don’t exhaust you and your patience with us. But please know that you’re free to pitch us stories whenever you like. You don’t need to wait for a Theme List or appropriate theme. I know the Theme List can help generate ideas or remind you about a story you heard about a while ago so, below, we've got a new round of themes-in-progress listed. Please send us your story pitches, thoughts and suggestions for our upcoming shows.

How this process works: When you send in a story idea to me, I'll respond with a generic email letting you know that I received your pitch and that I've read it. I promise. I read every pitch. (I won't send you the auto response until I've read your pitch so expect a bit of a delay getting that email.) If we think the pitch is right for us, or if we need more information from you, I'll send you another email asking for more info on the story or letting you know we'd like to commission the story. But if you don't hear back from us within two weeks, beyond the initial auto-reply email, it means the story just isn't right for us or for the needs of that particular show. The idea of doing it this way is just to get through pitches and get back to everyone quickly.

Like always, these themes are shows we're actively pursuing right now but we're always on the lookout for new stories or ideas. So if you've got a story that you think would work especially well for us but doesn't fit a specific theme listed below, please send it along anyway.

Thanks so much for your pitches. We appreciate it.


TRIBES: This show is coming up quick (two weeks away) and we'd love a couple smaller stories about a group of people bonding together or falling apart. These could also be stories about someone who finally belongs to a group or someone that's never actually belonged to anything at all. Maybe you're always trying to escape friends, family or colleagues who annoyingly assume you share the same beliefs? Right now, we're working on stories about a kid doing his best to fit in at camp, a Native American tribe that is kicking out its members, and a woman who found out she's not the only one soothed by … whispering.

I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP: These are stories about people taking it upon themselves to help, even if they aren't actually qualified to be giving that help. Stories about people with the best intentions who get in over their heads would work well for this show. Maybe a do-gooder who messed everything up? Or a story about a person or a group who genuinely was helped but won't acknowledge it? One story we're working on now is about a mental health organization that is using more of a recovery model for treatment, where people struggling with their own mental health help people who are more acutely struggling. One goal of the program is to erase the power dynamic between practitioner and patient. It's difficult, though, for the staffers to draw on their own experiences and 'help' without actually telling someone what to do. We'd love more stories about situations where trying to make a situation better gets very complicated.

HOW I GOT INTO COLLEGE: This show is pretty literal. We're looking for fun, dramatic, surprising or unique ways that people got into college. The show is built around the story of how a very esteemed college professor and researcher essentially got into college through a bit of fraud he committed back in elementary school. (The fraud was committed in a very innocent way though — you love the guy for it.) We're also pursuing a story about a man going from prison to a university. We'd love more stories about the interesting or illuminating ways people get into college. And we'd really love to hear from stories from an admissions perspective! I heard a rumor last fall that lots of well-off Manhattan high school seniors were descending on Staten Island and the Rockaways to help with relief efforts post-Hurricane Sandy, taking many pictures of themselves doing it along the way. Are there admissions counselors that are up to their eyeballs in essays about how sorting canned goods on the Jersey shore has made the candidate a better person? Are there surprising trends on the path to college?

THE ONE THING YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO: A family from Mexico illegally enters the United States and, of course, the parents tell their kids, "whatever you do, don't tell ANYONE you're not a citizen." The son keeps it a secret for many years until one day a few months ago, he walks up to a Border Patrol agent and basically says, "I'm undocumented. I entered the country illegally. Arrest me." His goal — and he succeeded! — was to get locked up in the local Detention Center in order to survey other detainees about their criminal charges and their access to legal defense. We're looking for other stories about people either purposely or inadvertently doing the BIG thing you're not supposed to do. Maybe a story about spilling a family secret or making friends with the wrong person? Or a story about touching the third rail politically or professionally? Or maybe just a story about how, counter intuitively, the one wrong thing is actually the right thing?

DAYTIME DRAMA: We'd like to do a show where all of the stories could, in a different context, exist as a story you'd see on TV in the middle of the day. Either a classic Jerry Springer/Montel Williams kind of story or maybe a story where the plot seems more akin to a soap opera than to real life. But we'd like to do these stories where the focus of the story isn't just about the reveal or "your husband is the father of your sister's baby!" moments but is instead looking at what really is going on around the extraordinary circumstances. Doesn't it seem like, if someone were to scream "I don't care I'm sleeping with your husband!" at another person — doesn't it seem like there's a deeper story behind that? Or maybe there's a story about someone who got temporary amnesia and it actually wasn't that big of a deal? Stories that make you think, "I feel like this should be on Judge Judy" would definitely work well for this show.

THE VIEW FROM IN HERE: Sayed Kashua is Palestinian but an Israeli citizen. His first spoken language was Arabic but he got into a fancy boarding school as a kid and only really learned to write Hebrew. He hates the parochialism, claustrophobia, and bad municipal services of Arab areas of Israel, so now he feels like a fraud and maybe a traitor for living in the Jewish Israeli part of Jerusalem. In a series of columns he wrote for a national Israeli newspaper, he writes about his apartment being renovated and uses the changes in that small world to talk about the other small world he feels like he lives in. And explains that world to everyone else. We're looking for more stories about people who feel like they have a unique perspective on something because they're actually inside of it. Maybe trapped in it. And the insiders' perspective is at odds with what everyone else seems to think about it.

Open City fellowship from the Asian American Writers’ Workshop, deadline March 25

The Asian American Writers' Workshop is offering a $5K fellowship to create long- and short-form creative nonfiction. Details below, deadline March 25. -Mia

Open City, an online magazine published by the Asian American Writers' Workshop, documents the pulse of metropolitan Asian America as it’s being lived on the streets of New York right now. Covered by the Wall Street Journal and NPR, a collaborative partner with the New Museum and the Museum of Chinese in America, Open City grants a $5,000 fellowship, career guidance, and publishing opportunities to five Creative Nonfiction Fellows to write and produce both short-form and long-form editorial content on the vibrant immigrant communities of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.

If you’re an emerging creative nonfiction writer looking for financial support, a place to publish, and career mentorship, apply to become a Creative Nonfiction Fellow.

Digital Storymakers Award Contest for students, $5K grand prize, Deadline April 15

Hey students – $5K grand prize for original multimedia nonfiction narrative. Details HERE and below. Deadline April 15. -Mia

The Digital Storymakers Award recognizes excellence in original nonfiction narrative that blends text, photos, video, interactive maps, and other rich media features.

Grand Prize winners receive a $5,000 cash award and publication in the special edition Digital Storymakers Award App.

The Digital Storymakers Award is sponsored by the Pearson Foundation and Atavist. It is open to any student enrolled in high school, college, or graduate school who creates a nonfiction,multimedia narrative, including those students studying journalism, graphic arts, writing, photography, and documentary video/film. See Official Rules.

Are you working to expand the limits of nonfiction storytelling?

Find Out More and Enter the Digital Storymakers Award

The Missouri Review Audio Contest, Deadline TOMORROW, March 15

There's not much time left as the submission deadline is tomorrow, but for what it's worth, here's the info about the “>Missouri Review's 6th Annual Audio Contest. -Mia

The Missouri Review’s 6th Annual Audio Contest

Winners selected in collaboration with guest judge

Laura Starecheski

$1,000 first prize in each category

Now–you decide your entry fee!

Winners and select runners up will be featured on our website and on our iTunes podcast. Select runners up also receive cash prizes. All entrants receive a one-year, digital subscription to The Missouri Review.

Listen to the winners of our 2012 Audio Competition here.

Postmark/Email Deadline: March 15th, 2013



Poets are encouraged to enter an original poem or collection of poems for this category.

Judging will be based on the following criteria: literary merit, technical proficiency, and how the author uses audio media to further the literary strength of his or her piece.

Time: 15 minutes or less.

First Prize: $1,000


Writers may enter a short story, narrative essay, or other form of literary prose. For this category we are not interested in academic essays or purely journalistic writing/reportage. Entries may be solely author-read or contain other voices, tracks of sound, or music.

Judging will be based on the following criteria: literary merit, technical proficiency, and how the author uses audio media to further the literary strength of his or her piece.

Time: 15 minutes or less.

First Prize: $1,000

Audio Documentary

Entries should be audio only (no video). We are interested in short documentaries on any subject. Documentaries can be presented in a variety of forms, including narrative, interview, or documentary play. Entries will be judged on strength of the script and subject, ability to meet their objective (stated or unstated, i.e. a comedic short that’s funny, or an artist interview that is informative, fresh and insightful), and technical facility (including sound, reporting, presenting and/or acting).

Time: 15 minutes or less. 

First Prize: $1,000 

 Contest Guidelines

Entry Fee: In an effort to expand our contest, entry fees (previously $20) are now payable by donation. We ask only that you contribute what you feel is fair, keeping in mind that literary journals, and contests, cost money to run and that your contribution includes a one-year, digital subscription toThe Missouri Review. All of your donation money goes directly to support the continued production of The Missouri Review and its programs.

Previous first-place winners are not eligible to win again.

Postmark Deadline: March 15th, 2013

Multiple entries are welcome, accompanied by a separate donation for each title you wish to have considered. We are happy to accept previously published or aired pieces as submissions, so long as you, the entrant, hold the rights.

Technical Requirements: Entries may be submitted electronically or sent by postal mail. Emailed submissions should be in MP3 format only. Mailed entries should be sent on CD only. CDs should not contain any audio other than entry material. Include a brief program synopsis and bio of the writer/producer. For poetry submissions, please record each poem as a separate track.

Mailed Submissions Must Include

  • a completed entry form for each entry (download the entry form)
  • a copy of the entry on a CD, labeled with writer/ producer, title and length
  • a brief program synopsis and short writer/producer bio

  • a donation as entry fee (make checks out to The Missouri Review)

Send Entries To

The Missouri Review Audio Competition
357 McReynolds Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211

Emailed Submissions Must Include

  • a subject line with author last name, category, title of entry
  • a completed entry form as an email attachment (download the form, and save it to your computer).

  • an attached MP3 file, containing your contest entry. File should be saved in this format:

author last name_entry title

  •  a brief program synopsis and short writer/producer bio in body of email
  • a donation as entry fee. Click here to make online payment.

    • Type the amount (in U.S. dollars) that you wish to donate in the “Cost” field and then click update to confirm the amount. Once the amount has been updated, click submit to pay via credit card.
  • Please send a separate email for each entry submitted.

Send Entries To:

Questions? Please visit our FAQ. If your questions isn’t answered there, email us:

Editorial Photographers Education Grants Photo Competition 2013, deadline March 31

Hey students – there are a couple weeks left to apply for this grant for student photogs – details here and below. -Mia

Please help us spread the word that the deadline for the EP Edu Student Photography Grants program has been extended through March 31!

There are six equal prizes, each consisting of a $1000 cash grant, and another $1000 worth of gear and business tools. Plus, finalists’ entries will be judged by notable judges including David Griffin, visuals editor at The Washington Post, and Molly Roberts, chief photography editor at Smithsonian Magazine. Entrants must be enrolled full time during 2012-13 in an accredited college in the US or Canada.

Please share this info with college professors and / or students and also please share on your social media pages, on personal blogs, to professional associations and organizations, and directly with anyone who might be interested. Entries are now open through March 31!

Full details are here: