For students looking for college credit – work with the fabulous Molly Samuel (former FC leader-type-person) and the rest of the KQED crew this summer. Details below. -Mia
KQED is looking for interns for the summer. For the science internship, the person would be working with me and a colleague in TV, learning TV production, producing radio stories, writing online articles, helping with research and logging and whatever else comes up.
These are unpaid, part-time internships. If you know any students (they needn't be journalism students, but they do have to be able to get course credit) looking for internships, please pass this on.
And I'm happy to answer any questions or talk with people interested in the internship — I know the unpaid part is hard, but I can vouch for these being good internships. (At least, I hope they are. I started at KQED as an intern and felt like I learned a lot, and eventually ended up with a job here.)
Here's the link for the science internship:
And here are the rest of KQED's internships:
There's not a deadline for applications posted, so I'm going with ASAP.Thanks,
Hi Vincent. This post was from a bunch of years ago so I don’t think it’s still relevant, but you should reach out to KQED directly for more information. Good luck!
Greetings – are high school students eligible for this science internship? Thank you.