If you have a couple days a week to spare and want to learn radio, this is a great place to do it. Some long-time FC members work at NRP so drop a line if you want the inside scoop. – Mia
National Radio Project’s *Making Contact* Internship www.radioproject.org
Making Contact is weekly, internationally syndicated, public affairs program, heard on on over 150 radio stations. The staff of Making Contact is small, but extremely talented and committed. We are seeking hard-working team players to help us produce segments for Making Contact.
*The intern will learn audio editing, researching, voicing, script writing, interviewing and field reporting. This internship is unpaid, but transportation stipend provided and honorariums for completed segments can be negotiated. We ask interns to commit 16-24 hours a week for a 4-month minimum.*
Skills and Responsibilities:
* Must have excellent research skills. As a progressive media outlet, our mission is to interview and tap into the expertise of people who span the political and social spectrum, not just the conventional “experts” or “officials.” The qualified intern is responsible for helping us identify who those lesser-known yet valuable people and community groups are.
* Ability to book and conduct interviews (in-person and phone interviews) and assist in script writing
* Qualified individuals should have a basic knowledge of how to use a microphone, minidisc recorder, headphones, and how to plug into a multbox. If the candidate does not have these general experiences, he/she must be willing to be trained.
* Some knowledge of Cool Edit Pro/Pro Tools/Sound Forge or any other applicable editing software is preferred.
* Additional responsibilities include: transcription, audio editing, selecting soundbites/clips, participating in listening/critique sessions and attending meetings, as needed.
* Should be familiar with community and public radio
* Knowledgeable and passionate about current events. Includes some knowledge of human rights issues and cause-related advocacy groups.
* Some journalistic experience a plus
* Women and people of color are encouraged to apply. National Radio Project is an Equal Opportunity Organization and does not discriminate on the basis of gender, color, sexual preference, disability, national origin, religion, or economic status.
If you’re interested, first please check out the rest of our website to see what we’re all about. Then if you’re really interested, please fill out and return our (printer-friendly) Production Intern Application and send to us with your cover letter and resume. If you have print work samples and/or a demo reel (CD), include that as well.
Thank you for your interest in National Radio Project’s *Making Contact *Internship. lrudman@radioproject.org
*THIS ROUND OF APPLICATIONS are due by May 15th for summer internships. *
*Applicants are also considered on a rolling basis, so please get in touch. *