Hey all. This is perfect for many west coast FC members, organized and run by a radio colleague. Check it out! -Mia
Fotovision Multimedia Salon first Wednesday of each month, 7-9PM at Fotovision
5515 Doyle St, #11, Emeryville, CA 94608 Map: http://tinyurl.com/yc884fn
o Fotovision: That hip ever-growing photo-sound-video fanatic’s group o Multimedia: Mixing sound, stills, video, (smells? tastes?), to tell drop-dead stories, commonly for the web. o Salon: Usually a bunch of pretentious intellectuals in a gilded room getting all snooty about their work. But in this case we mean a group of motivated, experienced media folks sharing knowledge and work.
The group welcomes skilled still photographers, video photographers, journalists, radio and other sound people, editors and storytellers of various stripes working with multimedia.
Join us if you are: o Actively working with multimedia. o Just starting to work with multimedia as an addition to the work you already do. o A professional on fire about the story-telling potential of multimedia, and serious about sharing and expanding your skills with a group of peers.
We gather monthly to show works-in-progress for feedback, support, and discussion. We talk about everything from our work to our gear, from getting jobs to wailing about not getting jobs — and just about anything else that comes to mind. Mostly, we show our multimedia works and figure out ways to make them tighter, more informative and more interesting.
Think of it as a writers’ group for digital storytellers — a group of people with a wide range of skills and styles in the various aspects of multimedia who meet to exchange our hard-found expertise in this new field.
Cost: A sliding scale contribution of up to $15, depending on how well you’re doing in today’s media economy. The contribution goes to Fotovision ( http: www.fotovision.org ) for their expenses and support of the group.
Hope to see you there!
Lonny Shavelson http://www.photowords.com
Berkeley, California Office/studio: 510 343 6939 Home: 510 849 9382 Cell: 510 847 5223 e-mail: lonny@photowords.com
I attended this tonight and am pleased to report this was a useful experience. It seems perfect if you have work-in-progress or finished work and want critiques; it was like a session of show-your-(multimedia) work followed by constructive criticism on how to make it better or achieve the goal you want. There were good insights and commentary. Also some discussion about gear and tools, which was useful.