(Very) hands-on internships with the EW Scripps Company in DC

Paid internships with DecodeDC and the Scripps investigative team. Seems like a great place to get some hands-on experience. details below. -Mia


The EW Scripps Company in Washington D.C. is looking to hire two interns for the winter/spring. These internships are paid–they pay minimum wage.  

I'm the current DecodeDC intern, and it's amazing. It's a small operation, so you really get the chance to pitch ideas, write scripts, and do production work. Plus the staff is so friendly and supportive that it verges on the absurd.
All inquiries and applications (cover letter + resume + portfolio) can be sent to Ellen Weiss at ellen.weiss@scripps.com


The E.W. Scripps Company’s  Washington Bureau is looking for interns to work with our multimedia news professionals. We need ambitious, curious, high energy, talented emerging journalists to support our national investigative team and DecodeDC/podcast team.


WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Recent graduates and current students.


·         Fall: 10 weeks (Sept – December)**

·         Winter Spring: 10 weeks (January-April)**

·         Summer: 10 weeks (June-August)**

**All internships are 30-40 hours per week

PAY: Prevailing wage for Washington, D.C. internship

LODGING: None provided

HOW TO APPLY: https://recruiting.adp.com/srccar/public/RTI.home?c=1060841&d=External


In addition you can send cover letter, resume and links to portfolio to  Ellen Weiss, vice president and Washington Bureau Chief,  at ellen.weiss@scripps.com



·         Fall Internship: August 1

·         Winter Internship: November 15

·         Summer Internship: April 15




·        Investigative Team – Investigative journalism is at the core of the Scripps National Bureau. We are looking for emerging reporters and producers capable of working with a team on deep dive projects as well as shorter term stories.  Research, interviewing, data, visual story telling are all skills that will help support our team – which produces investigative stories for broadcast, print and digital outlets. Teamwork and a desire to collaborate with others in the bureau is essential.  You would be working with a top notch investigative editor, executive producer and reporters. And you’d be working for a company that has the spine to stand up to Warren Buffet, Ford and the FBI – and believes investigative reporting is core to its mission.


·         DecodeDC/Podcast Team – DecodeDC is weekly podcast and website for reliable, honest and highly entertaining insight and explanation about politics and government. This team is also developing new podcasts as part of Scripps expansion into audio. If you are experienced in audio production, delight in story telling and narrative journalism, are a creative and smart user of social media, enjoy showcasing stories in the digital space, have a passion for ideas, politics and governance and embrace the opportunity to have some fun while keeping journalism at the highest level, this is the place to be.

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