(Washington) Reminder: the deadline to submit proposals for grants from the Fund for Investigative Journalism is approaching. The upcoming deadline is Monday, May 11, at 5pm Eastern time. The Fund's Board of Directors looks for stories that break new ground and expose wrongdoing – such as corruption, malfeasance, or misuse of power in the public or private sectors.
A typical grant is $5,000 and covers out-of-pocket expenses. Small stipends are considered as part of the grant.
Detailed instructions are here: http://fij.org/grant-application/
The next deadlines are set for September 21, 2015 and February 1, 2016 – both at 5pm Eastern Time.
Executive Director Sandy Bergo welcomes questions about the application process and requirements by email, fundfij@gmail.com, or phone, 202-662-7564.