NPR Digital Services webinar on the Basics of Data Journalism, April 11, 2pm ET

NPR Digital Services has been offering a great series of webinars on all things digital journalism. This week it's on Data Journalism. Details below along with links to previous webinars.


Join us this week for the third webinar in our Habits for Your Digital
Newsroom series.

The Basics of Data Journalism

Everyone is talking data–crime reports, government documents, business
earnings–but how do you make sense of the spreadsheets? What data should
you be looking for? And how can you use it? StateImpact has excelled with
data-fueled reporting. We'll talk with them about where to find reliable
data, how to mine it and then how to present it to your audience.
Presenter: Jessica Pupovac, Data and Digital Coordinator for StateImpact

Thursday, April 11
2:00 – 3:00pm ET
Register here:,17k0v,2hna,8le6,f867,5o7w,f84j&MLM_MID=2032159&MLM_UNIQUEID=409dcad6e3

In case you missed last week's webinar on Mastering the Art of Live
Blogging, or Analytics for Reporters, you can watch them on our blog::,17k0v,2hna,j2jt,h5zz,5o7w,f84j&MLM_MID=2032159&MLM_UNIQUEID=409dcad6e3

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