This promises to be a great (and affordable!) event in LA, sponsored by the wonderful folks who started the Bay Area Freelancer's Guild. Don't miss it if you're in SoCal! -Mia
"Spring Training for Journalists" will be held Saturday Feb. 9 at LA City College, featuring top-notch presenters on topics ranging from digital storytelling to documentary storyboarding to covering healthcare reform. Participants can drop in for just one or two workshops or stay all day.
An event schedule is attached.
Udpates, including more detailed workshop descriptions, will be posted continually to our Facebook page:
This is our first Southern California edition of a series that's been popular in the Bay Area. "Spring Training" is aimed at working journalists (print, broadcast, online); freelancers and students are welcome.The cost is minimal — $20 with an RSVP (just e-mail your name to, or $25 at the door. Scholarships are available; CWA members (Newspaper Guild, NABET) and LACC students get in free.
If anyone has questions, I'm happy to talk to them!
Sara SteffensThe Newspaper Guild