Third Sound Bank Grant Scheme Now Open For Submissions

Grants for creative media from In the Dark. Sweet! -Mia

Patrons of Sound Bank 3:

Jane Ray


Plus income from "Friends of In The Dark"


The Third Sound Bank is Open To Submissions!

In The Dark is very pleased to announce the launch of the third Sound Bank Grant Scheme, an international fund for adventurous audio.

The Sound Bank scheme is offering funding of between £500 and £1500 towards the production of new audio pieces of 3 to 15 minutes duration each. The fund is open to first-time producers and students, migrants from other arts and media as well as experienced radio professionals seeking the opportunity to attempt something bold and adventurous.

To read more and to find out how to submit a proposal, click here >>

To hear the work of previous grant winners, click here >>


We look forward to supporting some more great audio!

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