Upcoming events from Columbia jschool's social media guru Sree Sreenivasan and others. Details below.
4-nights-over-2-months session starting this Thursday: http://www.journalism.columbia.edu/page/709-smarter-social-media/531
Social Media One-night Stand, Nov 29, 2012: http://www.journalism.columbia.edu/page/710-social-media-one-night-stand/532
Lots of other great courses, too – have a look below. Please share with your friends.
Register now for Columbia Journalism School's fall continuing education workshops!
More info and details: http://www.journalism.columbia.edu/page/843-training-program-offerings/638
Smarter Social Media (10/4, 10/18 & 11/1, 15)
Advanced Multimedia Storytelling (10/8-12)
Memoir Writing (10/11, 10/18, 10/25 & 11/1, 11/8, 11/15)
Introduction to Radio/Audio Storytelling (10/13, 10/20, 10/27 & 11/3, 11/10)
Reporting Safely in Crisis Zones (10/19-21)
Self-Publishing a Photo Book for Amateurs and Professionals (11/3-4)
Investigative Reporting: Data and Digital Media (11/10)
Investigative Reporting: Using Public Records (11/17)
Social Media One-Night Stand (11/29)
Sree Sreenivasan | sree@sree.net | http://sree.net | @sree
Chief Digital Officer, Columbia University
[ an explanation: http://bit.ly/sreejob3 ]
LINKEDIN: http://linkedin.com/in/sreenivasan
FACEBOOK: http://fb.com/sreetips or http://fb.com/sreenet
TWITTER: @sree – http://twitter.com/sree (tweeting tech, media & more)
-> SreeTips blog on CNET News: http://bit.ly/sreetips