Hey folks. I fully recognize that this is not a high-paying opportunity, but I can certainly appreciate the labor of love and it sounds like a fun project. Details below if you’re interested. -mia
From: Julie Sabatier
I am the host and creator of a public radio show and podcast called “Destination DIY.” In a nutshell, the show is about unusual do-it-yourself projects from home birth to home funerals and everything in between (including urban chicken coups, brewing your own beer and riding a unicycle). I’ve been developing the show as a labor of love over the past 4 years and have taken it from a live show on the local community radio station to a documentary series that’s been aired on over 20 stations around the country. This year, the show will be airing on Oregon Public Broadcasting this summer and fall and will go from a half-hour show to a one hour program. I have managed to raise a little bit of money for the six shows I’ll be working on in 2010 and part of that money was raised to pay talented radio producers who want to create material for these programs. I’m afraid I can’t offer much ($200 per piece), but I am hoping you’ll find an idea on the list below that inspires you to make a piece of radio you’ll really enjoy creating. I’ll also gladly accept previously produced pieces that fit the themes of these shows. And I should stress that this is a VERY grassroots project. This is the first year that the project has had any funding, meager as it is, and all of it is going straight to production expenses. I am not making any kind of profit off of this endeavor, nor am I paying myself as executive producer. As I said, it’s a labor of love.
Please send pitches to me by April 14 and by all means, think outside the box (and the state of Oregon as well). More information about Destination DIY can be found here: http://www.destinationdiy.com/about.html Questions? Don’t be shy! Thank you, Julie Sabatier (julie@destinationdiy.org)