Hey West Coast people. There are a bunch of great audio/podcasting courses being offered by @WritingPadUS this fall. Details below. Plus, get a 15% discount by using the coupon code FREELANCE. Woot!
PODCASTING 5 WK w/ Casey Miner and Julie Caine (The Specialist, NPR)
Sept. 14, 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12 (4 Wed. nights, 1 professional recording session)
RADIO STORYTELLING 5 WK w/ Davey Kim (Snap Judgment, NPR)
Sept 19, 26, Oct 17, 24, Nov 7 (4 Mon. nights, 1 recording session), 7-10 p.m., San Francisco
RADIO STORYTELLING 5 WK w/ Bob Carlson (Producer, Host KCRW’s Unfictional)
Sep 25, Oct 2, 16, 23, Nov. 6 (4 Sunday nights, 1 recording session), 6-9 p.m., Los Angeles