Hi all,
Maya here, from Third Coast in Chicago. We are currently accepting applications for a part-time Production Assistant job, the 2016 ShortDocs internship & the 2016 TC/RHDF Competition internship. Applications for all 3 opportunities are due February 8th. The full details & applications can be found here: http://thirdcoastfestival.org/about-tciaf/jobs-internships
And please help us spread the word far & wide! The Third Coast nest is a fantastic launch pad for anyone looking to start a career in audio storytelling. A couple of quotes you can spread around:
– "TCIAF has a reputation for growing… some of the most talented and most hard-working minds in radio." – The AV Club
– "2 of my 5 producers were Third Coast interns." – Roman Mars, 99% Invisible & Radiotopia
– "Not only will you gain unparalleled experience in the audio storytelling field, you can also get karate tips from Re:sound's own Gwen Macasai. SHE IS A BLACK BELT." – Pidgey (TC's mascot/guide)