Wanted: Pitch us your investigations on race and gender
We want to invest in groundbreaking investigations into two of the biggest issues around: race and gender in America.
So, whether you’re an independent journalist with a hot idea to pitch or a newsroom that could use help, we want to hear from you.
It’s hard to imagine two more important issues in America today. Basic promises of civil rights made generations ago continue to go unfulfilled. Systemic racism and sexism make inequality a reality for entire swathes of Americans every day.
We want to uncover these stories of injustice, and we strive to do so each year. But we’re also setting aside a significant budget over the next year to fund stories from independent journalists or to support newsrooms that might not have the budget or the investigative expertise to meet their ambitions.
We might seed one big story or a number of individual stories from different sources. We’d look to do the stories on one or all of our platforms. In particular, we’re looking for radio-friendly stories with strong characters for our new show, “Reveal.”
Looking for examples of the kinds of stories we want? We’d like to keep it as open as possible, so we cast a wide net. Instead, here’s our list of questions we think about for each investigative story:
- Is it uncovering a new problem?
- Are people being harmed?
- Can you quantify the problem?
- Can you hold people accountable?
If you’re interested, please send me an email at adonohue@cironline.org answering the above questions. Deadline for submissions is Friday, Aug. 28.