Latino USA call for pitches

Call for pitches from Latino USA. Go for it!
Latino USA is looking for pitches for the following show themes:
Baseball: The Latino elements in America’s game.
Know Your Rights: Stories about people not knowing what they’re entitled to or what resources they may have access to; or how rumors or misunderstanding can get in the way of accurate information.
Beauty: Personal beauty rather than art, in the broad sense of the word – beauty inside and out, or newly defined.
Outdoors: Working, playing and living anywhere outside of buildings, from mountaintops to rooftops.
Coming of Age: Young people finding themselves and older people re-inventing themselves.
Parenthood: Broadly defined.
PLEASE NOTE: LUSA’s pitch address has changed.

Please use the submissions form on our website,

If you’re pitching for the first time, please include a sample or two of your audio work. LUSA’s pitch meetings take place on Friday afternoons, and we try to get back to reporters early the following week.

Leda Hartman
Editor, NPR's Latino USA

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