Doc Fun in the Summertime! Big Shed’s 5th Annual Retreat at CDS (July 26-Aug 1)

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Join us this summer for Digging In, our 5th-annual Artists Retreat at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. Registration is open, and we'd love to have you there!

Whether you work in audio, photography, writer, film, docu-hacker, multimedia, etc. – this is an opportunity to make meaningful progress on the projects most important to you. We've designed this time to help you catch your creative breath while delving into something that could use some focused attention – whether you're finishing a story, writing a proposal, exploring a new project concept, or maybe you just want the space and community to think about your creative trajectory,

Digging In: An Artists Retreat with Big Shed
@ Center for Documentary Studies at Duke (Durham, NC)
July 26 – August 1, 2015 | Course Fee: $625

For tempting details —

To register —

This summer we've got an exciting team to make this a great week for you. We're thrilled that Lisa Morehouse ( will again join Big Shed’s Shea Shackelford and Jesse Dukes in leading the week. Our creative cabal includes Ben Pagac, Jim Adams and Logan Jaffe. And as a special guest, we're excited to have Kara Oehler back in the Shed. Woohoo!!

The week is lightly structured to help you make significant progress on a project that’s important to you. Each day, you’ll have 6+ hours of work time on your project, and we’ll help you make the most of it. We’ll offer strategies and tools for focusing your work during the week and beyond. Each day you’ll share progress on your work with other participants and the Big Shed team. When it’s time to put your pencils down, we’ll stoke your creative fires and make sure you also take time relax and play. You can expect brilliant adventures, special guests, tasty food, thought provoking presentations, late-night conversations, and hand-cranked ice cream on the porch!

If you have any questions, just email

We hope you'll join us on the porch this summer!
Shea, Jesse and Lisa

Ps. Digging In is proudly part an amazing lineup of Summer Intensives at CDS. If you're looking for even-more editorial guidance and hands-on instruction to help you produce a great radio story, you should also consider Making it Sing, a week-long intensive for more experienced producers (Aug 3-8). This summer, the amazing Deb George will join John Biewen and Shea Shackelford in helping you shape your stories. (AIR is offering five members a $100 travel stipend to attend Making it Sing.)

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