Summer Audio Camp at CDS

Summer camp for audio nerds. Yes.


Our intro summer audio intensive, Hearing is Believing, is filling fast but still has some spaces. Our August course for more experienced producers, Making It Sing, has openings too and several of AIR's $100 stipends for members are still available for Making It Sing. I'd like to emphasize the latter, MIS, for y'all AIRsters. It's workshopish and individually oriented, aimed at helping you make the most of that challenging piece you're working on, so it works great for people of all experience levels — whether you're working on the third piece you've ever made or the 300th, and indeed we've had seasoned pros do the course.

Deb George, one of the best editors in the land, is returning as guest teacher/editor for Making It Sing, and the estimable Glynn Washington (!) of Snap Judgment will be here for Hearing is Believing. Our Man from Big Shed, Shea Shackelford, is here for all our summer courses as per usual.

The details:

Hearing is Believing, July 12-18, a kickstart for beginners (really: NO experience required) or those relatively new to the craft and wanting a solid grounding in the fundamentals — recording, shaping and scripting, mixing on Hindenburg. You and a partner make a piece during the week.

Making It Sing, August 3-8, for more experienced producers with a challenging project to bring and workshop with lots of individual and small-group attention.

Between those two on the calendar, our friends at Big Shed are again offering Digging In: An Artist’s Retreat, July 26-31, which brings together documentary makers and storytellers of all stripes (and all mediums) for a productive and rejuvenating week of digging deep and making meaningful progress on individual projects.

AIR is offering five members a $100 travel stipend to attend our advanced course, Making it Sing. To apply for the AIR stipend go here:

CDS offers big porches, great lunches, and yes, AC.

To register or to read more about all these courses, and a few others offered by CDS in video, photo, and writing, go here:

Any questions, write to, or to me off-list.

Hope to see you this summer.

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