KQED’s The Lowdown is looking for steady freelancers

KQED is looking for freelancers! Details and contact info below. -Mia


The Lowdown, a multimedia news explainer blog at KQED public media,  is currently looking for a small group of steady freelance contributors to produce a variety of features. Although intended for a general audience, the site specifically aims to produce creative resources for high school educators interested in using current events in the classroom. The site contains a pretty wide variety of content that primarily pertains to national and California news issues. Much of the content is interactive in format and, while directly connected to breaking news, is generally more evergreen. The site seeks to provide background context on major news issues, specifically focusing on the questions of “How’d we get here and why should you care?”


That said, I am looking for excellent writers who can boil down complex issues and concisely answer questions in a clear, clean and  easy-to-digest manner. Multimedia skills are not required, but definitely a plus. Ability to pitch ideas and meet deadlines without the need for much editing is a must. Compensation is dependent on experience and scope of work, but will be reasonable (the editor is a former freelancer and thus empathetic to the hustle).


If interested, please send your resume, links to 2 or 3  fairly recent clips and names and contact info of two related references. Additionally, please include a few sentences demonstrating that you have looked over the site, and explain why contributing to it is of interest to you.


Contact: mgreen@kqed.org


Thank you!


Matthew Green


Editor, The Lowdown





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