Hi radio people:
I'm working with a radio show and podcast called Modern Notion (an offshoot of the website of the same name) that's launching April 6. Modern Notion is all kinds of stories for the ultra-curious.
We want any interesting story from history and stories about emerging technology and its impact, and we have a few theme ideas below my signature (but feel free to submit a story even if it doesn't fall into any category).
It's a daily, hourlong show out of WCGO in Chicago, but we're looking for stories of national interest. Many of the segments from the radio show will also be podcasted in smaller, themed podcasts from Modern Notion.
Our fee structure is as follows:
Commentary/essay – $125
2-3 minute audio postcard – $125-$150
2-5 minute story with at least 1 interview – $150-$250
5-8 minute feature – $250-$800+ depending on length and complexity
Most stories will be in that 2-5 minute range.
We're launching in less than two weeks, so send your ideas soon to
pitches@modernnotion.com. Include 1-2 paragraphs about your story, approximate length, which category/ies the story would fall into, and a link to your previous work.
What If – a story revolving around a hypothetical question that's popped into our heads, and sure, it's totally crazy, but what if… Think about people in history who have asked a what if question, or ask one yourself and bring in experts to answer it, or what if history had gone differently. Or for futurists: What happens when you can download your brain to your computer? What happens when we find definitive proof of parallel universes? What happens when we make contact with aliens?
Thank God for Science – Stories and topics focused around the intersection of science and religion and the not-so-clear boundary that exists between the two
Builders – Stories from people who’ve built things with their hands or minds they never imagined they could
Lost – About all the things and non-things we've lost: languages, ideas, documents, people, information, etc.
Heirlooms – The things we pass down: traditions, objects, morals, manners, etc.
Conspiracies, Cults, and Creeps – Checking into a conspiracy theory, retelling a creepy story, or exploring a cult
….or anything that doesn't fit into these categories!