French-American Foundation journalism fellowship, deadline Feb 20

Passing this along. Thanks for the heads up @juliastmi!


If you're interested in immigration and telling the stories of immigrants (all over the world! Not just in the U.S.) this fellowship might be a great opportunity. 
Details below, but the broad strokes are $7,000 for work to be completed over 4-6 months.

Now accepting submissions

The French-American Foundation is seeking meaningful, visionary stories on under-reported topics with a strong social justice component and with the potential to advance public debate on the issue. The Foundation particularly seeks both creative content and format, and all types of stories will be considered (local, global, cultural, economic, etc.). All stories are expected to comply with journalism ethics of fairness and responsibility.


The Immigration Journalism Fellowship is open to journalists with an interest in immigration and integration. The French-American Foundation and its international jury are looking for journalists with a minimum of three years of professional journalism experience, with outstanding achievements in the field and the ability to work in English or French (the final work must be published in either language).

When applying, candidates must have already secured a commitment from a European or U.S. media outlet to publish the work produced. Journalists can apply individually, but teams of up to three journalists can also apply for a single fellowship and share the funds toward completing their project. Freelance journalists are welcome to apply.

Application Deadline: Friday, February 20, 2015 at 12:00 PM EST
Applicants should submit their completed applications through Submittable. Please address any additional questions to

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