About High Plains News
Founded in 1989, High Plains News produces grassroots commentaries and 30-minute special programs, primarily for public and community radio stations. From 1990 to 2001, High Plains News produced and distributed a weekly 15-minute radio magazine. The news service also produced 26 half-hour special programs through 2003.
Over the years, High Plains News and its producers received many awards, including the Scripps Howard National Journalism Award, Gabriel Award, Oscar in Agriculture Merit Award, Award of Excellence from the American Lung Association of Montana, and several awards from the National Federation of Community Broadcasters.
Based in Billings, Montana, High Plains News is a project of WORC, the Western Organization of Resource Councils.
Program Description
We envision a program consisting of three to four stories. Final story topics will be agreed upon with High Plains staff. Potential stories could include:
Scope of Work
The producer will produce a 30-minute radio program for distribution to radio stations, the Public Radio Exchange, and other venues and placement on our website. The producer may contract with other producers to produce stories for the special. High Plains staff will work with the producer to determine the stories covered by the special.
Producer will be responsible for all research, recording of all elements, editing, and scripting. Final assembly of the program shall be done in collaboration with High Plains News staff. Producer shall consult with designated High Plains News staff regularly about the program.
Producer shall produce the program in stereo at a level of technical quality acceptable to High Plains News as defined by current industry broadcast standards.
The producer shall deliver a fully produced 30-minute program and clean version of the final script and list of contents of the elements as they appear on the source. We prefer to receive the program in MP3 format or CD.
Proposals are due close of business September 22, 2014.
High Plains News will award the contract by September 29, 2014.
The producer shall deliver the program on a timely basis on a mutually agreeable schedule, not later than November 7, 2014
Submitting a proposal
Interested producers should submit the following:
Proposals should be sent to Kevin Dowling, 220 S. 27th Street, Suite B, Billings, MT 59101, or kdowling@highplainsnew.org<mailto:kdowling@highplainsnew.org>. Proposals are due by close of business, September 22, 2014.