Announcing a call for entries for Rough Cuts in November!
Deadline is Friday, October 17th
Rough Cuts is currently seeking documentaries in post for our next event on Wednesday, November 5th at the 9th Street Independent Film Center in San Francisco
This will be our final Rough Cuts evening of the year. The first in 2015 will be in March.
We are seeking long-form works with a final running time of 40 minutes or longer. Principal photography should have been completed, and we encourage filmmakers to submit cuts that are in the later stages of post-production (i.e. NOT first or second cuts).
Also, filmmakers who submit are eligible for Fine Cuts, our new editorial consultation program that matches filmmakers who screen with us with veteran editors and directors.
In September, Rough Cuts unveiled FINE CUTS, a new consultant program free for our filmmakers.
Nels Bangerter, Fine Cuts consultant
The initiative pairs our filmmakers with a seasoned director/editor, who will provide consultations to the filmmaker in an effort to respond to the feedback at Rough Cuts and, also, develop and fine-tune the film as the cut approaches picture lock.
Richard Levien, Fine Cuts consultant