How do I know if my story is worth telling?
Ask yourself: Is this something that is either a) taboo yet relatable that no one has ever articulated as well as you can, b) an experience SO crazy and foreign that people will feel compelled to share it, or c) a really big idea from the vantage point of the only person who could have had that perspective.
We’re particularly interested in stories by women, non-white, and LGBT writers, as well as previously unpublished writers.
What subject areas are you interested in?
We’re looking for pitches on a variety of topics, including but not limited to:
Sex and dating/relationships
Disease, especially the experience of being sick and invisible illnesses
Mental illness
Parenting and parents (including the experience of parents aging)
Drugs and addiction
We’re interested in serious subjects, but not necessarily serious takes: If you have an idea for a humorous approach to any of the above (or anything else), go for it. There’s also no strict word count, but pieces tend to be in the 800 to 1,200-word range, and we pay. We are also open to stories in other formats, such as graphic essays, photo essays, and audio pieces.
Do you have examples of the kinds of stories you’re looking for?
Why, yes! These are some essays BuzzFeed has published in the last few months that worked really well for us.
Notes On An Eating Disorder
The Last Time My Grandmother Slapped Me
Running Into My 12-Year-Old Self Online
I Was Sure Freezing My Eggs Would Solve Everything
The Worst Day Of My Life Is Now New York’s Hottest Tourist Attraction
So how do I *actually* pitch stories?
You should submit your pitch in the body of an email to with the subject line IDEAS PITCH. (Emails with attachments will be deleted unread.)