Innovation Hub is a new national show, from WGBH and PRI, about how the world is changing and how we'll be living next. Yes, we cover tech and startups. But we also look back at important inventions that have changed us, and forward at new ways to change human behavior and the world. We examine what it takes to be successful, what genius is made of, and what causes failure. We're an hour-long, weekly show that includes conversations from some of the biggest thinkers of our day. You can check us out at
We're looking to expand our coverage to include more reported pieces about innovations happening all over the country – from Manhattan to Meridian, Idaho; Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania to Seattle.
We're now accepting pitches from reporters at local stations or freelancers. Repurposing a piece that aired locally is fine. Pay will be commensurate with other national public radio shows.
Please send a short email with a description of your story, as well as links to previous work, to, and we'll take it from there.