Re-air your existing work on Third Coast's Re:Sound for a small fee and a big audience. Details below!
Once again we want to let you know about upcoming themes for Re:sound from the Third Coast Festival – our remix of audio docs, found sound, music and sonic treasures from around the world. We're looking for pieces that are already produced, and we pay a rebroadcast fee of $12/minute.
1. The Waiting Show
Stories about… wait for it… waiting.
2. The Shouldn't Have Pressed Send Show
Stories about emails and texts gone awry.
3. The Transport Show
Stories that take place in planes, trains, busses, cars, submarines(?) etc…
4. The Dinner Table Show
What we talk about when we sit down together to eat.
More about Re:sound, here:
As always, send us a link to your work – and/or any questions – to resound [at] thirdcoastfestival [dot] org.
Can't wait to listen.