Just a reminder, the Bay Area Freelance Cafe crew will be meeting TONIGHT – March 31 at 6:30pm.
2374 Eunice St., Berkeley
Many thanks to the freelancers of 2374 Eunice street for offering up your home for this month's meet-up! Please bring a snack or drink to share. The house is near the Berkeley Rose Garden and if anyone would like to carpool from BART or elsewhere let us know and we can help coordinate rides. There will also be a big projector, speakers and lots of curious eyes and ears- so bring your stories and (multi)media to share.
Also, mark your calendars for a special gathering on April 17. Film screening of A Fragile Trust at the Roxie, SF followed by drinks at a nearby location TBD. I'll be in town and would love to see many of you!
'Til soon,