@ HearSay Audio Arts Festival in Kilfinane, Ireland
HearSay is a unique festival which celebrates creative sound in all
its forms, bringing passionate people from all audio disciplines
together for collaboration, conversation and inspiration.
What we are looking for
An original and creative piece of composed, compiled or crafted audio
which is 2 minutes minimum and 6 minutes maximum in length. The piece
should be self-contained and take the listener on an aural adventure.
We encourage you to approach the HearSay Prize in the spirit of
experiment, adventure and collaboration which the HearSay Festival
The competition is open to everyone – from sound artists, to radio
producers, theatre sound designers to musicians, from experienced
professionals to passionate enthusiast and to all audio formats
regardless of whether dramatic, documentary, composed, scripted,
artistic or none or all of these.
There's very little not allowed – It's not a song contest so songs or
straight up musical tracks are unlikely to succeed but the use of
music or song is not excluded. Field recordings, interviews, drama,
scripts, stories, found sounds, original music, actuality – feel free
to use every sound at your disposal – make every moment count.
One voice, many voices, no voice are all good. Layered or simple,
heavily processed or natural, we're very open. We will be judging
entries on their use of sound, innovation, engaging the listener. Be
inventive, be engaging, surprise!
The HearSay Audio Prize 2014 A Cash prize of 2,500 Euro (equivalent
to 3500 US Dollars in March 2014) for the winner plus accommodation
and participation in the HearSay International Audio Arts Festival
2014 awarded to the most outstanding entry.
Five category awards for entries other than the overall winner:
The HearSay Across the Waves Award – Flights to Ireland for one person
from anywhere in the world to the HearSay 2014 Audio Arts Festival
Kilfinane, Ireland plus accommodation and participation in the HearSay
Audio for the festival for the best (non-overall winner) entry from
persons normally resident outside the island of Ireland.
The HearSay Ballyhoura Award – 500 Euros cash prize plus
accommodation and participation in the HearSay Festival 2014 for the
non-overall winner) entry from persons normally resident on the island
of Ireland.
The HearSay Student Award – 250 Euros cash prize plus accommodation
and participation in the HearSay Festival 2014 awarded to the
strongest entry from people under the age of 21 by November 20th 2014
or in full-time education of any age.
The HearSay Story Award – 250 Euros cash prize plus accommodation and
participation in the HearSay Festival 2014 for the best entry with a
great story brilliantly told regardless of format.
The HearSay JawDrop Award – 250 Euros plus accommodation and
participation in the HearSay Festival 2014 for the audio moment or
sequence that stuns or thrills the judges ears.
Making your Entry/Key Dates
Entries will be 45 euros per entry (25 Euros for students). Multiple
entries will be allowed but they must be standalone.
On-line submission of entries to the HearSay Prize 2014 will open on
May 7th 2014 via the HearSayFestival.ie website.
Entries will close on the 30th June. The roster of judges will be
announced in August and the good news will be given to the Award
Winners in early September to let them plan their journey.
The entry format will be .WAV 44.1K
Each piece entered should be especially created for the HearSay Audio
Prize. It should not have been broadcast, podcast previously in any
format nor should it be extracted from another piece.
You should be the copyright owner of all material contained within the
piece or cleared all necessary rights for use.
The producer(s) of each audio piece submitted will be asked, when
making their entry to grant HearSay with broadcast, Internet and live
playout rights to present entries in their complete form to inspire
others. Full copyright in the piece will remain with the producer(s).