Postmark Deadline for Entries: January 12, 2013
Dear Media Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite ethnic media practitioners (print, online, radio and television) to participate in New America Media's 2012 Ethnic Media Awards for Southern California. The NAM Awards bring recognition to the entire ethnic media sector.
We are calling for entries for work published or aired in an ethnic media organization of any size serving an ethnic/newcomer community in Southern California — between October 1, 2011 and December 1, 2012 [within Oct. 1, 2011-Dec. 31, 2011, Jan. 2012-Dec. 1, 2012].
For the 2012 NAM Awards for Southern California, we are inaugurating several new approaches that reflect the rapid changes in California's media landscape.
NAM will consider all entries in English and in-language; and across all media platforms – in print, online and broadcast [TV & Radio] as a single pool in all of the News Beats [NB1-NB6] and Spotlight Reports [SR 1- SR6] categories. The news beat categories include Outstanding Reporting on Governance & 2012 Elections Coverage, Outstanding Reporting on Civil Liberties Issues in Ethnic Communities, Outstanding Reporting on Inter-Ethnic, Inter-Racial and Inter-Religious Relations, and many others.
The spotlight reports categories honor special news reporting on 2012 news events or trends including Outstanding Reporting on California's Economic Divide; Outstanding Reporting on International Affairs, and others including a Community Advocate Award that will honor one ethnic media organization for its public advocacy on a specific issue impacting its own community and/or California.
We are also maintaining a separate track of awards for outstanding photojournalism, outstanding community reporting for radio and outstanding community reporting for television.
Award winners will receive cash prizes and a trophy or certificate.
We are honored to partner with Southern California Public Radio (SCPR) which will host our Awards Gala at their Mohn Broadcast Center and Crawford Family Forum in Pasadena on Thursday, March 7, 2013.
SCPR is a member-supported public media network that operates 89.3 KPCC-FM in Los Angeles and Orange County, 89.1 KUOR-FM in the Inland Empire and 90.3 KVLA in the Coachella Valley.
Below, embedded as a downloadable pdf link — is our NAM Official Call for Entries, Guidelines & Submission Form-SoCal. NAM encourages in-language as well as English-language entries, and participants are encouraged to include their own English translations wherever possible. For the purposes of this competition, Southern California ethnic media include those located from Calexico to Bakersfield.
We look forward to receiving your entries and any questions you may have.
CLICK here: NAM Official Call for Entries, Guidelines & Submission Form-SoCal
Warmest regards,
Odette Keeley
NAM Awards Chair-California
New America Media / 415.503.4170
Sandy Close
Executive Director
New America Media