Quick! You have until Monday to send your stuff. -Mia
Aural Fixation, an audio-only portion of the Strange Beauty Film Festival, accepts audio work of any shape or form with a running time of 30 minutes or less. Pieces in the 90 second to 5 minute range are encouraged. The only requirement is that the work be strangely beautiful and/or beautifully strange. We are looking for stuff that strikes a chord, has an emotional impact, makes us think. If you feel your piece fits the bill, it probably does. We can't wait to hear it.
Previous broadcast history is of no concern. Audio work/sound art of any type/content is welcome, such as narrated, verite, soundscapes, raw tape, excerpts, scenes, sound or audio "moments," found tape, experimental, audio theater, and creative radio work (to name a few). Music may also be a good fit for Aural Fixation if it relies very heavily on recorded sound over musical instruments.
A completed electronic entry form and an entry fee of $5.00 must accompany each work submitted. You may submit a URL for auditioning your audio piece, or email us an mp3 file. Please name the file with at least your last name. If your piece is selected for the festival we will contact you for further information and at that point we can arrange for a .wav file to be sent, it you so desire.
$5.00 per entry. Entry fees must be in U.S. funds only.
There are no official awards, though we'll have baubles of some kind for all producers/audiomakers who come to the fest.