You all know that I generally don't post gigs that don't pay, but I've been teaching this semester and so I have a renewed interest in finding opportunities for newbies – talented folks who have the skills and drive to succeed, but who need an audience and some clips to build their confidence to start charging a reasonable fee for their work. And so I offer this: WAMC's 51% (The Women's Perspective) wants your commentaries. Here's a note from the show's producer:
I am ALWAYS looking for good commentaries for 51%. I have zero budget, but sometimes when someone's starting out, the money is less important than the credit. It's no small thing to be on NPR, CBS, Sirius and AFR, and that's what a commentary on 51% gets. Themes – anything. I do not consider it a women's show – I consider it an issues show with women's points of view. You'd be surprised how difficult it can be to find women experts on things. Environment/health/politics/war/peace/community/sustainability/technology/human interest – I'm interested in all of it. So if you know of people who are interested, I am always happy to get queries and scripts.
And here's a blurb from their website:
In America, women make up more than half the population. Worldwide, women are expected to outnumber men within the next fifty years. And every issue we face is one that affects us all.
Whether it's the environment, health, our children, politics or the arts, there's a women's perspective, and 51% is a show dedicated to that viewpoint.
Host Susan Barnett talks to experts in their field for a wide-ranging, entertaining discussion of issues that not only fall into the traditional 'women's issues' category, but topics that concern us all as human beings and citizens of the global community.
Also note that men's voices are welcome – but since it is a women's perspective show, their topic must relate to women. For instance, the show has a regular male contributor who is doing a series on women in history. There are no specific themes – though holidays, seasonal and event-related (election, for instance) are always a safe bet. And note that if a topic is time sensitive, it needs to be submitted at least four weeks in advance as they tape early. Submissions for the show should go to Let Susan know I sent you.