Multimedia Storytelling Series
The kdmcBerkeley Fall 2012 Multimedia Storytelling Series is brought to you by the world's premier center for applied digital communications. All workshops are led by UC Berkeley lecturers and staff, with presentations from award-winning faculty and industry leaders to give you the skills to distinguish you as an expert in digital media.
Video Storytelling
October 11-13, 2012
Learn from master storytellers techniques for capturing the attention of your audience to create engaging videos. This intensive three-day workshop is an immersion in digital video storytelling, providing hands-on video training in every phase of planning, production and digital delivery. This workshop delivers the same world-class training the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism provides its graduate students.
Social Media for Audience Engagement
October 22-23, 2012
Beyond expanding the pool of possible connections to near limitless possibilities, social media is reshaping how we communication, learn, entertain ourselves, participate in politics and public life, search for new employees, transact business, and company-consumer relationships. Join us for two days of comprehensive training on how to leverage the power of social media and storytelling to develop audiences, trust relationships and engagement.
Data Driven Maps
November 16-17, 2012
Data driven maps are an effective visual tool to communicate ideas, explain complex concepts, illustrate relationships or tell a story with data. This two-day workshop is a hands-on program focused on applying Geographical Information Systems (GIS) tools to visualize data with industry standard techniques. Participants will learn to use publicly available map files and data to build layered and informative maps that are easy to understand and fun to view.
Visual Essentials for Content Creators
December 10-14, 2012
Communications professionals, journalists and educators seeking a rapid-paced immersive experience in best practices for telling stories on the web with video, photos and data will benefit from this workshop. This intensive one-week production course focuses on the art and craft of digital storytelling and features hands-on practical skills training.
To learn more please contact:
Vicki Hammarstedt