Call for entries for the annual SEJ Awards for Environmental Reporting. Details HERE and below. Deadline April 2.
Deadline to enter: April 2, 2012
Instructions for Entering:
NEWS! SEJ has added a category for Photojournalism. See below for a full description.
Below you will find the definitions for SEJ's 2012 categories. When you have selected the appropriate category for your entry, prepare the materials you will need for entering. Once your materials are assembled, click the name of the category (below) to open the online form. Follow the instructions on the form. Some fields have instructions written below them. Please take note of all instructions!
Materials needed:
• PDFs* or links to each story, commentary or photo
• Publication or air date for each story, commentary or photo
• Cover letter
• Team contact sheet if you do a group entry
• Broadcast transcript if you enter radio or television stories, of if your online entry includes audio/video components
• Credit card for immediate online payment. (You can opt to send a check on the online payment site.)
* 15MB max file size. Multiple PDFs for one day must be combined. See Help with low-resolution or combined PDFs
If you are unable to reduce your file to 15MB, email Awards Director Chris Rigel or call her at (502) 641-1844.
Each entry requires a cover letter in electronic format, either .doc, docx, PDF, .html, or .txt file to be uploaded into the online form.
Book entries: Enter the contest using the online entry form below. After submitting your form and payment, ship four copies of your book and a copy of the cover letter with the author's name and contact info to Chris Rigel, Director of Awards (address below). Note: even if you ship your entries, you must still complete an online form, including the uploaded cover letter.
Print entries: low-resolution PDF or html files of your entry stories. (Check your category for the allowable number of stories and other details.) (Help with low-resolution or combined PDFs) If you are unable to supply links or low-res PDFs, you may ship four copies of your entries to SEJ with a cover letter including the entrant's name and contact information. Be sure to follow the preparation rules. Note: even if you ship your entries, you must still complete an online form, including the uploaded cover letter.
Online and broadcast entries: web links to Internet pages where your television, radio or online news story can be viewed or listened to. (Check your category for the allowable number of stories and other details.) If you are unable to supply links, you may ship four copies of your entries to SEJ with a cover letter including the entrant's name and contact information. Be sure to follow the preparation rules. Note: even if you ship your entries, you must still complete an online form, including the uploaded cover letter.
Shipping address:
SEJ Awards
C/O Chris Rigel, Awards Director
186 North Bellaire Ave
Louisville, KY 40206
Follow the preparation rules for preparing your entries for shipping. Shipped entries that are incorrectly prepared will not be sent to judges. Please pay special attention to the instructions, since your payment is non-refundable.
After completing your entry form, the payment site will open. Please pay your fee immediately after submitting your entry form. For those needing to pay by check, the payment site includes a check option. Your entry will not be processed for judging until payment is received.
$40 Member Rate
You must already be a member of SEJ to enter at the member rate. If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact SEJ at or (215) 884-8174.
$60 Prospective Member Rate
To enter SEJ's awards contest at this rate, you must complete a membership application. (After you click the link, scroll down until you see the maps: In North America and Outside North America. Click on the appropriate map to open the membership application. Please note on your application in the comments field at the end that you are applying for membership with your contest entry.) After completing the application, return to this page to complete your entry.
This special discounted $60 fee is only for non-members who are joining SEJ for the first time. It covers your first year of membership (discounted) as well as the contest fee.
$100 Non-member Rate
As you complete the awards entry form, be sure to fill in all required fields. If you miss one, the files you've uploaded will not "stick." Your other information will remain intact, but you'll have to upload your cover letter and other files again.
You can recognize required fields by the red asterisk for all fields except upload fields. Uploaded cover letters ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL ENTRIES.
Deadline to enter: April 2
Read the descriptions carefully, then click on the name of the category you want to enter to open the corresponding entry form. Have your electronic files and web links ready.
CLICK TO ENTER: Kevin Carmody Award for Outstanding In-depth Reporting, Large Market: An investigative or explanatory feature or series on a single environmental topic, published between March 1, 2011, and Feb. 29, 2012. Related stories published on the same day count as one part. TV & Radio stories must not exceed 60 minutes; Print and Online series must not exceed five parts. Multimedia links may be included in the cover letter. Eligibility: Print media: circulation of 200,000 or more; TV & Radio: national networks in the U.S. and elsewhere and top 10 markets in the U.S. as determined by Nielsen; Online: sites with 1 million or more monthly unique visitors. Cover letters must include a description of the reporting's impact.
CLICK TO ENTER: Kevin Carmody Award for Outstanding In-depth Reporting, Small Market: An investigative or explanatory feature or series on a single environmental topic, published between March 1, 2011, and Feb. 29, 2012. Related stories published on the same day count as one part. TV & Radio stories must not exceed 60 minutes; Print and Online series must not exceed five parts. Multimedia links may be included in the cover letter. Eligibility: All outlets and publications falling outside the large-market definition. Cover letters must include a description of the reporting's impact.
CLICK TO ENTER: Outstanding Beat Reporting, Large Market: Up to five broadcast or published news reports and/or commentary on a broad range of environmental topics published between March 1, 2011, and Feb. 29, 2012. Entry must be the work of an individual, either alone or with a small supporting team. Related stories published or aired on the same day count as one story. Broadcast entries must have a combined total running time of no more than 60 minutes. Eligibility: Print media: circulation of 200,000 or more; TV & Radio: national networks in the U.S. and elsewhere and top 10 markets in the U.S. as determined by Nielsen; Online: sites with 1 million or more monthly unique visitors.
CLICK TO ENTER: Outstanding Beat Reporting, Small Market: Up to five broadcast or published news reports and/or commentary on a broad range of environmental topics published between March 1, 2011, and Feb. 29, 2012. Entry must be the work of an individual, either alone or with a small supporting team. Related stories published or aired on the same day count as one story. TV & Radio entries must have a combined total running time of no more than 60 minutes. Eligibility: All TV, Radio, Print and Online publications falling outside the large-market definition.
CLICK TO ENTER: Rachel Carson Environment Book Award: A nonfiction book, published between January 1 and December 31, 2011, covering an environmental topic. Memoirs and picture books are not eligible.
CLICK TO ENTER: Outstanding Feature Story: One environmental feature or commentary published between March 1, 2011, and Feb. 29, 2012. Multi-part stories, sidebars and other supplemental material are prohibited. Eligibility: All TV, Radio, Print and Online entities.
CLICK TO ENTER: Outstanding Photography: Up to five photographs on one or more environmental topics, published between March 1, 2011 and Feb. 29, 2012. Only photos published as photojournalism will be accepted. Entered photos must not be manipulated or digitally enhanced in a way that changes the content and/or context of the image. A caption that describes the event or situation captured in the photograph must be included for each photo entered. Photos must be submitted as jpeg files, maximum 2MB.