Hi folks. I've been following the early days of Radio Ambulante with great interest and I'm happy to forward along this note from Senior Producer and long-time FC member Martina Castro. This promises to be a very exciting program – and they will be paying freelancers for content! Details follow.
Introducing Radio Ambulante!
Hi! Meet Radio Ambulante, a monthly Spanish-language radio program headed up by the novelist Daniel Alarcon and a team of talented bilingual producers. We want to bring you stories from around Latin America and the U.S., told in the first person. Think This American Life, in Spanish.
We plan to launch later this year, with a monthly podcast available for streaming and downloading from our website. We’ve already produced three episodes. (You can listen to a sample here). These piece include an emotional story about the fall of the legendary Argentine soccer team, River Plate; a piece about migrating from Europe back to South America; and a story about one boy’s trials upon arriving to the U.S., and being sent straight to the belly of the beast: the high school cafeteria.
We hope you like what you hear and will consider donating to our Kickstarter page. You can also spread the word by posting that link to Facebook or Twitter! This is really important, because to move forward, we need to raise at least $40,000 by March 25th. This seed money will help us roll out our first three episodes and secure long-term funding.
Why Spanish?
First, we want to bring the kind of pioneering storytelling heard on This American Life, Snap Judgment, and Radiolab to a new audience, including the 50 million U.S. Latinos. In time, we will be creating partnerships with radio stations in Latin America and in the U.S. to reach the broadest possible Spanish-speaking audience. Second, we want to give Latin Americans a chance to tell their own stories, in their own language. We feel this is one way to help broaden the dialogue surrounding Latinos and immigrants in general. To this end, we plan to create bilingual editions of our stories.
Thank you!
Radio Ambulante
http://radioambulante.org/english/index.html (English)
http://radioambulante.org/index.html (Spanish)
In addition to our team, Radio Ambulante's advisory board includes writers/producers Jay Allison, Ricardo Corredor Cure, Katie Davis, Dave Eggers, Francisco Goldman, Cynthia Gorney, Marianne McCune, Mario A. Murillo, John Rudolph, and Julio Villanueva Chang. KALW in San Francisco is Radio Ambulante's home station. The Pulitzer Center On Crisis Reporting serves as our 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor. In Latin America, Radio Ambulante is collaborating with the Fundación de Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano in Colombia, and the magazines Etiqueta Negra in Lima, Perú, and Anfibia in Buenos Aires, Argentina.