Columbia's Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma is hosting a FREE workshop on youth violence, Dec 9-10 in Philadelphia. Deadline to register is Nov 23. Details here and below.
On behalf of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma and the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, I invite you to participate in a special workshop on covering youth violence, being held on December 9 & 10 in Philadelphia.
Even as crime rates hit record lows in cities across the country, gun homicides, gang violence and dating abuse among young people remain stunningly high. Last year, there were more than 4,000 violent incidents in Philadelphia's schools, the majority of them involving students not yet in high school.
Youth violence represents a serious public health problem for all communities. It challenges health professionals and educators, law enforcement and courts, community organizations and government agencies. It also challenges news professionals, whether health and education reporters, cops and court reporters, feature writers, investigative reporters or journalists covering schools, families and neighborhoods. To help journalists and news organizations in the greater Philadelphia area strengthen their coverage of this crucial public health issue, the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma based at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism is presenting a two-day workshop: “Getting it Right: Reporting on Youth Violence.”
The workshop, supported with funding from the Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation and additional support from the Stoneleigh Foundation, will take place at WHYY in Philadelphia. It will feature a range of local and national mental health and policy experts, award-winning journalists and violence prevention advocates. It will include background briefings as well as specialized reporting skills training to enhance journalists’ capacity to report on youth violence knowledgeably, ethically and effectively.
The workshop is open to working reporters, editors, photographers, producers or bloggers for print, broadcast or online media based in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. Staff, contract and freelance journalists are eligible.
The registration deadline is November 23, 2011 at 5 p.m. EST. More information can be found at
I hope you’ll register for this FREE workshop. I also hope you will pass along this invitation to colleagues.
Bruce Shapiro
Bruce Shapiro
Executive Director
Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
work: 212.854.8056
cell: 203.843.4390