Two Contests from Narrative Magazine, deadlines Oct 29 and Nov 30

See the latest storytelling contests from Narrative. At least one is open to multimedia. CASH prizes! Details below.


CALLING ON YOUNG WRITERS, artists, photographers, performers, and filmmakers, between eighteen and thirty: TELL US A STORY. We’re interested in narrative in the many forms it takes, including fiction, nonfiction, graphic stories, and audio/video works.

  • $1,500 First Prize
  • $750 Second Prize
  • $300 Third Prize
  • Ten finalists receive $100 each.
  • Contest Deadline: October 29. See the Contest Guidelines.

    All entries will be considered for publication. All are eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize for 2012 and for acceptance as a Story of the Week.

    Read the winners of last year’s contest, including Kevin A. González’s wonderful First Place story, “Cerromar.”

    With more than 120,000 readers and a host of excellent authors, including well-established and new and emerging ones, Narrative is a great place to publish your work.

    Prior winners and finalists in Narrative contests have gone on to win other contests and to be published in prize collections, including the Pushcart Prize, Best New Stories from the South, an Atlantic prize, and others. View some recent awards won by our writers.

    Contest Deadline: November 30.

    All entries will be considered for publication.

  • $3,250 First Prize
  • $1,500 Second Prize
  • $750 Third Prize
  • Ten finalists receive $100 each.
  • See the Contest Guidelines.

    Read works by previous winners here.


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