FREE workshop from the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at Columbia's J-School. Application deadline is Sept 26.
"Out of the Shadows," a specialized reporting workshop organized by the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at Columbia Journalism School is being held Oct. 21 and 22 in New York City. The workshop aims will give journalists access to top clinical, research and policy experts in the fields of intimate partner violence, dating abuse, sexual violence and prevention. Through expert briefings on new research and initiatives and journalism craft workshops, it aims to broaden and deepen journalists' knowledge of these issues, offer best practice examples and practical tools for reporting knowledgeably, ethically and effectively on intimate partner violence within a range of diverse communities.
It is FREE! The application deadline is September 26th. Please find more information below:
Across the United States, nearly five million women and three million men each year face violent abuse within an intimate relationship. Intimate partner violence transcends race, ethnicity, class, gender and sexual orientation, and poses a serious public health problem for all communities. It challenges law enforcement and courts, health professions and educators, community organizations and government agencies. The challenge deepens within groups contending with special vulnerabilities. One in four teenagers report verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse from a dating partner each year. Immigrants and refugees may resist reporting abuse to police for fear of jeopardizing their legal status or that of their family. Lesbians and gay men whose families and friends are unsupportive of their sexuality often have fewer sources of support, increasing isolation and making it more difficult to leave abusive relationships.
Reporting on intimate partner violence also challenges news professionals, whether cops and courts reporters, feature writers, investigative reporters or journalists covering neighborhoods, education or health. To help journalists and news organizations strengthen their coverage of this crucial public health issue, the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma based at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism is presenting a two-day workshop: “Out of the Shadows: Reporting on Intimate Partner Violence.”
The workshop, supported by funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will take place October 21 and 22, 2011 at the Columbia Journalism School in New York. The workshop will feature a wide range of national and local mental health and policy experts, award-winning journalists, educators and prevention advocates. It will include background briefings as well as specialized reporting skills training to enhance journalists’ capacity to report on relationship violence knowledgeably, ethically and effectively. It will examine these issues across diverse communities and special populations including teenagers, immigrants and refugees; and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered individuals.
The workshop will:
- Serve as a forum for improving journalists’ knowledge of critical issues such as the mental and physical health impacts of intimate partner violence; innovations in prevention and intervention; social, economic and legal implications, and responses by schools, public health institutions, and community and faith-based organizations;
- Explore new research, reporting ideas and best practices with leading mental health, policy, and prevention experts;
- Confront challenges — and identify opportunities — that exist for journalists pursuing these stories with limited resources;
- Provide practical tools to enable journalists to successfully produce stories that examine the problem of intimate partner violence in diverse communities and serve to educate and encourage prevention.
Participation is open to working reporters, editors, photographers, producers or bloggers for print, broadcast or online media. Staff, contract and freelance journalists are eligible. 25 individuals will be selected for the workshop.
Application Information
The application deadline is September 26, 2011 at 5 p.m. EST.
To apply, please email Kate Black at with your contact information (name, address, city, state, zip, phone, email) along with a one-page letter of interest that:
- Describes how and why this workshop is relevant to you and your work;
- Identifies three issues around intimate partner violence of particular interest to you; and
- Explains one or more challenges you have encountered in pursuing a story on this topic or a related one.
If you have any questions or need additional information contact Kate Black at