Associate Arts and Culture Editor
Reply to: jobs@sfbg.com
Come print the news and raise hell! The San Francisco Bay Guardian —
a Bay Area institution since 1966, recently named "California's Best
Large Weekly" by the California Newspaper Publishers Association —has an opening on its staff for an Associate Arts and Culture Editor.
The ideal candidate will have a journalism background with
demonstrated writing and editing skills. Must be extremely organizedand deadline-oriented, web-savvy, and have a strong connection to the
Bay Area arts and culture scene. Local candidates will be given
Candidates with a special interest in local music preferred.
Duties will include: writing, assigning, and editing feature articles,
as well as entering listings and other calendar-related tasks.
The Guardian is an equal opportunity employer.
To apply, send your resumé, cover letter, and writing samples (clips
preferred) to jobs@sfbg.com.