FYI folks: the deadline for this j-lab award has been extended to Friday, June 10. For more info and to apply, visit:
The Knight-Batten Awards for Innovations in Journalism reward news and information ideas that significantly enhance opportunities for digital engagement. The awards honor novel efforts that actively involve people in public issues, supply entry points that invite their participation, sit their imagination, and meet their information needs in creative ways.
Honored are pioneering approaches to news and information that:
* Spark widespread audience engagement.
* Encourage new forms of information sharing.
* Spur non-traditional interactions that have an impact on a
* Foster animated two-way conversations between audiences and
news providers.
* Create new ways of imparting useful information.
* Employ new definitions of news.
Entries could consist of such things as networked journalism projects, new social networking ideas, innovative citizen media initiatives, news games, creative use of mobile devices, data mining ideas, new online applications, augmented reality experiences, other advances in interactive and participatory journalism or out-of-the-box thinking.
Entries may also employ simple efforts that notably connect in new ways with a community.
Entries from all news producers are eligible. Encouraged are both top-down and bottom-up innovations, those driven by news creators and those driven by news consumers.
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation has funded a $16,000 awards program to honor the creative use of new technologies to engage people in important public issues and to showcase compelling models for the future of news.
Among the prizes to be awarded are:
* A $10,000 Grand Prize.
* $6,000 in Special Distinction Awards to be awarded at the judges’ discretion.
Winners will be announced in the summer of 2011 and are expected to participate in a panel on September 7, 2011 at the Knight-Batten Awards Symposium and invited to help educate the profession about journalism innovations.