Part time job opportunities at WFUV in the Bronx. Sounds like fun!
New York City's WFUV is looking for part-time, temporary producers to handle production of the music interview and performance programs, "Take Five" and "Words and Music from Studio A." These air daily on 90.7 FM, online, and often through NPR music. Learn more about them at
Responsibilities: Edit interviews, create scripts, record with hosts, mix and produce final programs, and load into on-air system. Post-production responsibilities include archiving scripts, sessions and final programs; maintaining playlists, and other tasks as assigned. Additional production duties also as assigned. Producer is responsible for quality control and FCC compliance.
Qualifications: 2 years experience scriptwriting, audio editing, and mixing; knowledge of Protools a must; detailed knowledge of "Triple A" music; public media experience preferred. Send letter, resume and mp3 production samples to:, or via mail to Production opening, WFUV Radio, Bronx, NY 10458. WFUV/Fordham University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution.