Pass this on to your friends/colleagues in North Carolina, or be prepared to partner with a Durham-based community organization from afar. Details below.
Katina Parker is teaching her Exploits in New Media and Emerging Technologies class at Center for Documentary Studies. This on-line course offers step-by-step guidance on how to launch a social media project from scratch. You’ll learn everything from the basics of securing a domain name and using freeware to build your site to shooting and uploading web video; from choosing the right viral video distributor for your project to creating a web advertising campaign to drive traffic to your site in order to generate revenue. Please note: Students will be expected to create a sample social media campaign in collaboration with a Durham-based community organization.
We will focus on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, web advertising, viral outreach, on-line fundraising options, promotional press strategies, and e-mail campaigns.
The class meets on-line weekly for 6 sessions beginning Tuesday, February 2 from 6pm to 8pm and ending March 9.
Cost for the course is $265. Please note that the course fee does not include the $15 materials fee that is due at the first class.
To register go to:
Katina Parker has served as a communications/social media consultant for the Ford Foundation, the National Black Justice Coalition. Southerners on New Ground, the Association of Independents in Radio and several other progressive public media projects. She has employed her talents as a filmmaker, photographer, and graphic/web designer for such clients as Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Saul Williams. Prior to founding the nonprofit New Orleans: A Labor of Love, she worked as a creative director and as a media strategist for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). Parker received an M.F.A. in film production from the University of Southern California and a B.A. in Speech Communications from Wake Forest University.