website consultant looking for beta testers

A colleague forwarded this to me. Looks like it could be a good option for folks who want a website and don't have a ton of money to spend. I don't know the developer personally, but I trust Amy's instincts and she seems to think this is a really good deal. Details below. Feel free to post any feedback as a comment on!



If you have a project in need of a website, and not a lot of money to hire a developer, I have a lead for you. I had lunch today with a web designer/developer who is about to launch a beta round of a new service she hopes to offer. The service is a custom website and brief training on using WordPress to maintain it, in about two days. Her process is to talk with the client by phone, develop three unique possibilities, have the client choose one, put the site together and then do a one-hour (or so) phone training so the client can then manage it alone. She hasn't set the prices yet.

Right now she's looking for 20 volunteers to beta test the service, at a very modest expense (or possibly none, I'm not quite sure). She's not putting too much of this information out for public consumption yet, but if you fill out her inquiry form, she's happy to answer additional questions individually.

Her name is Tess Gadwa. Website is To sign up to be a beta tester, or just to stay in the loop about this, fill out the form at

The project that led me to Tess isn't ready for a site yet, so I haven't actually hired her and can't, therefore, vouch for her business. But I am planning to work with her, so that says something. 😉


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