Hey folks. Some radio freelancer colleagues are banding together to figure out what a "fair wage" is for freelance audio work. Help them out by taking the survey below.
I am working with a group of New York City producers (our group is under the working title of 'Radio Guild') to explore the status of independent audio/radio work, in terms of compensation. Our ultimate goal is to set standards that reflect the amount of work that's actually done and get stations, outlets and shows to agree. To that end, our first step is to put out a survey to determine how much time independents put into their work, and what they're currently getting paid for that time. This will allow us to come up with a realistic schedule for rates that can uniformly be used when approaching stations and PRX (while we're fans of PRX and love to get our work aired, selling stories for $3 undercuts independent's ability to make a living).
You can access the survey at the following link: