Hey CA producers – a BRILLIANT funding opportunity here for film, radio, and new media. At least two FC members have received funding from CDP in the past, so drop a line if you have questions and I'll put you in touch with one or both of them. Good luck!
California Council for the Humanities
The California Documentary Project (CDP) is a competitive grant program of the California Council for the Humanities. CDP supports film, radio and new media projects that document the California experience and explore issues of significance to Californians. Projects should use the humanities to provide context, depth and perspective; enhance our understanding of California and its cultures, peoples and histories; and be suitable for California and national audiences. Guidelines are now available at www.calhum.org.
Grants are offered in the following categories:
· Production
Film and radio up to $50,000. New media up to $20,000.
· Research & Development
Film, radio and new media up to $7,000
Please see the Council’s website for guidelines and a list of previously supported projects. For more info contact John Lightfoot, CDP Program Officer, at jlightfoot@calhum.org.
DEADLINE: November 1, 2010
John Lightfoot
Program Officer
California Documentary Project
California Council for the Humanities
415.391.1474 ext. 314