Interesting opportunity from the Public Radio Program Directors Association. Proposal deadline is June 4. Details below.
The Public Radio Program Directors Association Inc. (PRPD) seeks responses from qualified vendors and web developers to develop material for the Knowledge Base of relating to current practices in and impact and dynamics of Digital Media related to programming in the public radio system.
A prime service to PRPD members is an online resource providing programmers with knowledge on a wide range of skills and practices associated with programming radio services. In 2005, we moved our PD Handbook from print to online and established it as the basis for a comprehensive Knowledge Base. With the rapid development and change in Digital Media as a key area of focus for public service media, the “placeholder” sections have become out of date.
PRPD envisions this resource as a dynamic series of pages and links. The dynamism of this rapidly evolving field requires a different set of standards than our historic “established best practices” approach to radio skills. More appropriate will be more of a “best practices to date” approach, one that will reflect the current state of the art and be easily updated as practices evolve. We understand that whatever is developed will require continual monitoring and updating as we gain experience and learn what works best to serve audiences.
Scope of Work:
To develop within the Knowledge Base comprehensive resources covering the latest practices in Digital Media as related to public radio operations including, but not limited to:
• Social media
• Streaming audio
• Podcasting
• Web sites
• News coverage in various platforms
• Integration with on-air efforts
• Mobile technology
• Platforms and Apps and the dynamics of each
Such knowledge may take the form of prose pages, links to existing knowledge and examples, case studies and/or audio/video, including incorporation of existing PRPD webinar recordings. We are open to alternate configurations that might fulfill the primary objective of helping programmers guide their decisions and aggregate the accumulating knowledge in these areas.
Requirements for any responses to PRPD:
Please provide the following:
• Details on how you would support each of the requirements & features
listed above.
• Estimates for all costs involved.
• Proposed timeline.
• An outline of particular areas of expertise and experience that
makes your proposal the best choice to provide PRPD.
• Three references with whom we may contact concerning your past
Interested parties may write to to request a temporary password to access the member restricted sections of the PRPD Knowledge Base to aid in preparing a proposal. Such password will expire on the submission deadline date.
Selection Process:
All RFP responses should contain a detailed description of how the prospective contractor will fulfill the requirements contained herein. Please do not send marketing brochures or “boilerplate” proposal materials.
After reviewing RFP responses, PRPD may conduct interviews with candidates as necessary before awarding a contract.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, June 4, 2010. Please send the proposal by email to Arthur Cohen, with a cc to