Hey all. Interesting event/panel this Monday at UC Berkeley. Plus free lunch! Details below.
+++++++++++++++++++++ [image: PPIC Special Event] [image: spacer] *The Public Policy Institute of California and the UC Berkeley, Graduate School of Journalism invite you to a panel discussion and lunch*
*The Census and Demographics: Telling California’s Story*
– *Chase Davis*, Investigative Reporter California Watch – *Mary Heim*, Chief, Demographic Research Unit State of California – *Richard Koci Hernandez* Ford Foundation Multimedia Fellow UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism – *Hans Johnson*, Senior Fellow Public Policy Institute of California
The 2010 Census is different from any in history. It is designed to provide valuable information about who we are—as a state and as a nation—at the beginning of the 21st century. But it’s based on the answers to just 10 questions. In California, the stakes are high: seats in Congress and millions of dollars for health care, transportation, schools, and social services.
* [image: spacer]
*Monday, May 3, 2010* 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
*UC Berkeley* Sutardja Dia Hall Banatao Auditorium University of California, Berkeley (map) (directions )
*RSVP TO* *Kelly Holt* (415) 291-4498 events@ppic.org
The challenge for journalists will be to find the stories in the data and provide a picture of the new California, in new ways and using new tools.
This forum brings together experts on demography and multimedia journalists to talk about what the 2010 Census will—and will not—tell us, what alternative data sources are available, and how demographic data can be used in everyday reporting.
This event will be held on *Monday, May 3, 2010, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.* in the Banatao Auditorium of Sutardja Dai Hall at the University of California, Berkeley.
Lunch will be provided.
Pre-registration is requested. There is no charge to attend.[image: RSVP TO] *To register, please contact Kelly Holt at events@ppic.org or (415) 291-4498.* [image: spacer]
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PPIC Sacramento Center Senator Office Building 1121 L Street, Suite 801 Sacramento, California 95814 Phone: 916-440-1120
Please direct any questions or concerns about this email to Kelly Holt at holt@ppic.org. [image: bottom rule]