Advanced Social Media Workshop, Wed 5/28

This guys is Columbia’s social media guru, and the price is right. Details below.


Special Advanced Social Media Workshop, hosted by AAJA & SAJA at Columbia Journalism School. Free for AAJA & SAJA members, $20 for others. SPEAKER: Prof. Sree Sreenivasan

Wed, April 28, 2010 6:30-8 pm

Columbia Journalism School 116th St & Broadway (#1 train to 116th St)

RSVP to:

Sign up for AAJA membership (open to all): Sign up for SAJA membeship (open to all):

Free for members of those groups or pay $20 at the door if you are not a member.

We will check membership status at the door.

ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: Already comfortable on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn? Then it’s time to take it your social-media skills to the next level.

This special, advanced social-media class is designed to specifically help media pros make the most of social-media tools. You will be expected to know all the basics and be ready to dive into a session filled with practical, actionable tips and case studies.

# How to deepen your connection with your audience via social media

# New tools you must absolutely know and use

# How to build your personal brand

# How to find, on deadline, specific types of people you need for work

# The best ways to increase your followers, fans, and connections

# How to get the “right” followers, fans, and connections

# Metrics: why you need to understand them and how you can do just that

# Sustainable social media — how to keep from drowning in information and make time to participate efficiently

Versions of this have been taught by Sree at CNN, NBC, ABC, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Boston Globe, Washington Post, NPR, Mediabistro and elsewhere.

THE SPEAKER: Prof. Sree Sreenivasan, Dean of Student Affairs, Columbia Journalism School & contributing editor, – one of AdAge’s 25 media people to follow on Twitter. More on him at and you can see how he uses social media by connecting with him on Twitter: | Facebook: | LinkedIn:

He promises the workshop, like his tweets, will most likely be: * helpful * useful * informative * relevant * practical * actionable * entertaining * fun * occasionally funny

Here’s one comment from a previous attendee: “Professor Sree’s presentation at the Columbia Club luncheon in Naples was riveting, fast-paced and packed with information. He presented his material clearly, accessing the internet in real-time to introduce his audience to new and useful websites. Sree was friendly and open to questions at all times, and his style and sense of humor contributed to what was a fun learning experience.” – Michael Hanson

BTW, I am also teaching a brand-new workshop with a brand-new topic for a brand-new organization: “Get Beyond Job Hunting: Tips for Journalists and Media Professionals” – Wed, May 12, 6-9 pm (including mixer), NYC – presented by Guruloft at Hive at 55 (55 Broad Street, 13th floor, near Wall Street) – see details & register at – USE THIS DISCOUNT CODE – SREENET – for 15% off.

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Prof. Sree Sreenivasan | Dean of Student Affairs, Columbia Graduate School of Journalism | Contributing editor, DNAinfo: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @sreenet –

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